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Now Is the Time: Schedule AC Maintenance Today!

two-techs-in-front-of-ac-outdoor-unit-looking-at-tabletTemperatures may be relatively mild for now, but we all know that when summer hits, it hits hard. It’s imperative that your air conditioner be ready!

Understandably, when an HVAC pro suggests maintenance for your air conditioner, it can be an easy recommendation to dismiss. Unless you need emergency AC repair in Evansdale, IA, you may be tempted to put off service to save money, especially if your cooling system is working “just fine.”

We encourage you to change your perspective! Just like maintenance for your vehicle, routine AC tune-ups are essential to the overall performance of your climate control system in preventing repairs, improving efficiency, and extending the system’s lifespan. How so? Read on!

What Maintenance Does

If you’ve never had professional air conditioning maintenance done before, we understand the hesitance to pay for a service you don’t seem to immediately need. But maintenance allows our technicians to come in and thoroughly clean the interior components of your air conditioner (or heating system, for that matter) to ensure that it is able to operate as efficiently as possible.

Additionally, our techs inspect your system and check for anything that needs adjustment, repair, and even replacement. This all serves to help the system operate better, improving efficiency and longevity.

Why Schedule This Service Now?

Generally speaking, we recommend scheduling air conditioning tune-ups right before you need the system the most. So, this would be early spring—right now!

Truthfully, the time of year you have maintenance done is less important than the frequency in which you have it done. Maintenance should be performed at least once a year.

Since we live in an area with hot, humid summers, our cooling systems definitely get stressed out. If you’re using a heat pump for cooling, maintenance is even more important, since you just got done using the system over the winter for your home heating. Since a heat pump gets twice the work as a more traditional central air conditioner or furnace, it needs twice the maintenance—you should schedule a tune-up every 6 months.

Improve Your Comfort and Safety

One of the man reasons we recommend our customers keep up on their annual air conditioning maintenance appointments is for their comfort and the comfort of their family. Year after year, air conditioners start performing less efficiently and effectively. Components start wearing down due to natural wear and tear, just like they would in your car if you skipped vehicle maintenance.

Maintenance also helps keep you safe! While air conditioners are of course not dangerous to use, they do have interior components that can be harmful if mishandled. Take refrigerant, for example. This is the chemical that makes the cooling process possible. But if you have a leak and make direct contact with it, you could be injured. You are less likely to have an issue of this caliber if you keep up on maintenance.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! To set up an appointment, give us a call at the number above, email or schedule an appointment online.

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