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Book Early for a Convenient AC Tune-Up!


It’s getting to be that time of year again. After a long winter, don’t get so excited about enjoying the spring that you forget to prepare for summer. When those hot days come—and isn’t it always before you really expected them?—you’ll need your air conditioner to be ready to roll. An AC tune-up in Des Moines, IA is what you need, and the sooner you make your appointment, the better. Here’s what you should know.

This is an image of the owner of Dalton HVAC standing in front of a truck. The headline reads white early AC maintenance as a smart choice.

Efficiency and Performance

When an AC unit doesn’t get maintenance after a year of first working hard and then sitting and gathering dust, it will be about 5% less efficient. And that adds up—in another year, it’ll be 10%, and so on. And it’ll be less effective as well because it’s hard to perform well with no fresh lubricant, loose and misaligned parts, and clogs of dust.

Repair and Replacement

Between the cleaning, lubricating, checking over, and performing electrical testing that happen during a maintenance appointment, you’ll cut down on the things that could go wrong this summer very dramatically—by 85%! And since the system won’t have to work so hard or so much of the time trying to overcome those difficulties, it will run happily for more summers than it would without maintenance, allowing you to avoid the expense and complication of system replacement.

Warranty and Safety

Your warranty agreement will be void if you don’t have maintenance done by a licensed professional each and every year. And part of the reason your AC unit’s manufacturer won’t want to take responsibility for problems with an unmaintained air conditioner is because those problems can include serious safety hazards, like house fires and electric shocks, which the electrical testing portion of maintenance will prevent.

Early Booking for Convenience

We HVAC contractors get very busy later in the spring. Everyone will suddenly remember to schedule maintenance, repairs, or AC replacements that they’ve been putting off or forgetting about. Our calendar will be packed! Right now, we’ve got plenty of open appointments, so you can take your pick, and get something on the schedule that works best for you.

Peace of Mind

The final thing early maintenance will bring you is peace of mind. You won’t need to worry about whether or how well your air conditioner will run when needed. You won’t need to take time off work or reschedule other commitments at the last moment to try to find time to have your maintenance appointment. You can relax and enjoy the beautiful springtime!

Whether it’s routine maintenance, a question about your air conditioner such as how to change an air filter, or an urgent AC repair need, we’re always happy to help you resolve your concerns.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! Contact us today for professional air conditioning maintenance in Des Moines, IA!

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