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Cut Down On Your Air Conditioning Bills This Summer

The weather can be up and down this spring, as it is most springs in Elk Run Heights, IA, but winter is on its way out and summer will be here before you know it. A good air conditioner will keep your home cool when temperatures rise, but it shouldn’t have to do the job alone. You want reliable cooling power without the pinch of those high monthly bills. The good news is that there’s a number of ways you can cut down on your costs by improving your air conditioner’s efficiency. Some of them require a little investment, while others are common sense approaches that anyone can do with a little foresight.

  • Schedule Maintenance. An annual maintenance session is the best thing you can do to keep your system running as effectively as possible. We recommend such sessions at least once a year at the beginning of cooling season.
  • Install a Dehumidifier. Humidity can be as much an enemy to your air conditioner as high temperatures, especially here in the Midwest. A whole-house dehumidifier can ease the strain on your AC system as well as improving your indoor air quality.
  • Run Fans. Ceiling fans, fans ion your HVAC system and even simple stand-up fans purchased at a local Walmart, all can circulate the air in your home and help the environment feel cooler.
  • Clean Your Filter. All air conditioners come with air filters designed to strain out dust and hair from your system. Over time, they can become clogged, which slows down the flow of air in your system and reduces the cooling potential of your air conditioner. Ideally, you should clean or replace your filters once a month to keep air flow on the level that it needs to be.

The pros at Dalton PHC can help you cut down on your air conditioning bills this summer!

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