Summer is here, and the last thing you want is an air conditioner that doesn’t work right when you need it most. Many homeowners don’t realize their AC has problems until it’s too late. That’s why regular checks and expert air conditioning repair in Cedar Falls are key to keeping your cooling system in top shape. At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., we’re committed to uncovering those silent AC issues before they disrupt your comfort.
Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category
Silent AC Issues: Hidden Problems Uncovered
Monday, July 15th, 2024Efficiency Is Key: Understanding the Efficiency of Your Air Conditioner
Monday, June 17th, 2024Your air conditioner has one job–to turn on and then cool the air inside of your home. This is a no-brainer and something we’d expect every air conditioning unit on the planet to do. However, there’s another hidden job that your air conditioner has, which other homeowners might not be as aware of.
Your air conditioner needs to also run as efficiently as possible while cooling your home. This means it needs to do the job of cooling your house by consuming a minimal amount of electricity. This is what makes turning the system on a sensible choice because a skyrocketing energy bill will quickly cause customers to stress out and turn their systems back off.
So, how do you better understand this secondary, hidden job of your air conditioner? Follow along below for some tips to evaluate the efficiency of your air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA.
Evaporator Coils Vs. Condenser Coils
Monday, June 17th, 2024When it comes to air conditioning systems, understanding the key components can help homeowners maintain their units more effectively. Two crucial parts of any air conditioner are the evaporator coils and condenser coils.
While both play essential roles in the cooling process, they function in distinct ways and are located in different parts of the system. Let’s explore the differences between evaporator coils and condenser coils and their respective roles in keeping your home cool and comfortable.
Why Reliable AC Repair Matters
Monday, June 3rd, 2024When your air conditioning stops working, it’s more than just an inconvenience. It can disrupt your daily comfort and can lead to stressful days and sleepless nights. At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., we understand the importance of a quick response and efficient AC repair in Evansdale, IA. This blog explores why dependable AC repair services are crucial for maintaining your comfort and the integrity of your cooling system.
How Your AC Capacitor Keeps Things Cool
Monday, May 6th, 2024Summer’s right around the corner, and keeping your home cool starts with a small yet significant part of your air conditioner—the AC capacitor. This device helps jump-start and maintain your AC’s motors, ensuring efficient operation. To help with your air conditioner capacitor needs in Denver this season, Dalton is here for you.
It’s Maintenance Season in Cedar Rapids
Monday, March 18th, 2024Don’t you just love how we get to experience all four seasons fully in Cedar Rapids? It’s easy to get used to, but there are many places in this country (let alone internationally) that only experience two or three seasons throughout the year. We get four amazing seasons that bring us snow, sunshine, rain, growth, and more.
But those seasonal changes mean we need to be even more prepared for the temperature swings we can expect from them. AC maintenance in Cedar Rapids, IA is your first line of defense against temperature changes and storms that might come sooner rather than later.
The following guide is going to give you the best benefits of scheduling maintenance this spring. And if done correctly, you can be proud that your AC system is in the best shape possible to keep you cool this summer when things finally get hot.
Maintenance Season PSA
Monday, September 18th, 2023It’s hard to believe that fall is already here. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday that we entered the summer months, but with September here in full swing, we need to start talking about fall.
From an HVAC perspective, fall is an interesting season. Temperatures are milder, which means that we can finally take a break from running the air conditioner or heating system all day. But this also means that we’ve got a window of time to get our technology repaired and maintained by professionals.
Yep, it’s the season of maintenance! AC maintenance in Cedar Rapids, IA is a great idea for homeowners who otherwise have functioning air conditioners but would like to remain proactive. Maintenance can keep things efficient, extend the lifespan of your air conditioner, and do more to make you feel much better about the future.
Big Tips: Saving Money During a Heatwave
Monday, July 31st, 2023You’ve probably seen the news over the past few days or weeks. Half of the country is encountering record-breaking heat and, in some cases, extreme weather warning. This is causing some serious strain on the power grid as everyone begins running their air conditioners throughout the days and nights.
There’s no escaping this heat if you live where we do. Air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA is necessary at this point, and while we’ve just made it to August, there’s likely a lot more heat to come.
So, how can you get through a heatwave and record-breaking temperatures without breaking the bank? We’ll go over some tested tips and best practices that can help you tremendously over the next few weeks–and some of these tips are free!
Just be sure to call a team of professionals if you encounter any problems, from blown-out compressors to ice forming on your coil. We can be the technicians to help you.
Maximize Energy Efficiency With Ductless AC
Monday, March 6th, 2023You’ve probably heard that ductless air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA is more energy efficient than some other methods of cooling, but how? Even homeowners who are broadly familiar with AC technology might get a little confused by the idea that these little mini split systems can compete with the big, centralized air conditioning units of just 5-10 years ago.
We’re going to take a deep dive into the technological advancements that these systems espouse. Due to some really nifty changes in how we approach cooling, a ductless mini split system is going to be more energy efficient than other cooling systems, but only in specific situations.
After this blog post, you should be able to determine whether a ductless air conditioning system is right for your home. Or, perhaps you’ll feel confident knowing that your central AC unit was the right call for your house.
Dalton’s Guide to Winterize Your HVAC System
Friday, November 11th, 2022Winter is fast approaching, but is your HVAC system ready for it? Winterization helps you protect yourself against high energy bills and protect your physical HVAC unit from ice and melting snow.
It’s time for HVAC maintenance in Cedar Rapids, IA before winterizing your home. Tune up your unit, protect it, and use these winterization tips to protect it until it’s ready to use when spring rolls around.