Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Cedar Falls Blog’ Category

Heed These Signs You Need a Water Softener

Monday, November 25th, 2019

water-softenerNobody wants to be told there could be something wrong with their water. In fact, it may even be hard for you to believe something is, in fact, wrong with your water. After all, doesn’t it go through heavy filtration at the water treatment plant in your city? Well, yes, but the water has many miles to travel from that plant before it reaches your faucets, and in that time can pick up a number of particles, including minerals that lead to hard water.

Hard water is a name given to water that has high concentrations of calcium, magnesium, and even sometimes iron in it. These minerals are not harmful to ingest. However, they can absolutely affect your quality of life. Hard water can be managed with a water softener as it enters the home. Water softeners are just one of the many water treatment options in Waterloo, IA we offer. How do you know if you need one, though? By checking for the following signs in your home:

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Do Tankless Water Heaters Need Maintenance?

Monday, November 11th, 2019

tankless-water-heaterTank water heaters are the conventional types of water heaters found in most homes—large, noticeable, and sometimes noisy, they’re pretty hard to ignore! As such, you probably know they need professional water heater services every now and then—particularly, maintenance. Scaling, after all, which is the buildup of hard water minerals, can have a major effect on the tank. It leads to problems with pressure, temperature, and eventually, corrosion.

What many homeowners don’t realize, though, is that if they have a tankless water heater, they don’t get to escape the need for maintenance. And much of the maintenance that is done for tank water heaters is also done for tankless systems. Keep reading to learn more!

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Do You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade?

Monday, October 28th, 2019

electricians-working-on-electrical-panelAlso referred to as the circuit breaker panel of your home, the electrical panel is the central hub of your entire electrical system—where the incoming electricity is routed to the different circuits. The breakers are designed to shut off circuits in case of voltage overload. If you have an older circuit breaker panel, you should ensure you aren’t overdue for having it replaced.

If you suspect or wonder if it is time for you to upgrade your electrical panel, the best thing you can do is call in a professional electrician in Cedar Falls. In the meantime, we’ve provided some questions below for you to ask yourself when determining whether or not your electrical system could use this type of upgrade.

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When Did You Last Schedule Professional Drain Cleaning?

Monday, September 30th, 2019

bubbling-drainIf your answer is, “Well… I don’t… I just use store-bought liquid drain cleaner,” then we urge you to read on!

The thing is, using one of these chemical drain cleaners is the worst thing you can do for the health of your plumbing system. It may solve your problem in the short term, but it will only exacerbate the problems you’ll run into later on. Keep reading to learn more about why you shouldn’t use these store-bought “solutions,” and why you should call for professional drain cleaning service instead.

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Going Pro: When to Call for Help

Monday, September 16th, 2019

plumber-tightening-pipeSometimes, it’s quite obvious when you need the assistance of a professional plumber. Burst pipes sending water all throughout your kitchen? A toilet that won’t flush? A clogged up kitchen drain that you can’t clear with a sink plunger? These are all reasons to call a plumber.

But what about the more subtle plumbing issues? Some are quite sneaky—particularly when the problems start off small. The trick is to learn how to catch them early when they’re still small, so they are easier for a plumber to fix and won’t cause damage to your home in the meantime. Keep reading for some quieter signs you have a plumbing problem that needs professionals with extensive experience with plumbing in Hudson, IA.

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End-Of-Season AC Repairs to Be Aware Of

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

outdoor-ac-unitThe official end of summer is near, with many of us still using our air conditioners on a regular basis. The last thing you need right now is a sudden air conditioner breakdown and a repair call when temperatures are still fluctuating. Of course, if you had maintenance done—one of the most important AC services in Cedar Falls—then it’s less likely this will occur.

But if you do notice signs that your air conditioner is in disrepair, it’s best to take care of those repairs now, rather than waiting until next year when you need your cooling system again.

The fortunate part of all of this is as long as you know what to look for, most AC system repair problems give out signs and symptoms well before they force the air conditioner to break down. While you should never attempt to formally diagnose (or repair) a problem by yourself—they contain potentially harmful components, such as chemical refrigerant—you can fairly easily spot the signs that you need air conditioning repair, and take the appropriate steps from there. These signs include the following:

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Why Whole-House Surge Protection Matters

Monday, August 5th, 2019

power-strip-serving-as-surge-protectionHomes today have more precision electrical equipment in them than ever before. In fact, you probably have multiple devices connected to your home’s power supply at any time, right? And there are likely many power charging stations handling your portable devices. Are you adequately protecting them?

This is important for you to know. A voltage spike can cause irreparable damage to electrical equipment, devices, and appliances, and power strips strategically placed around your home are not enough protection. Keep reading to learn more, and when you’re looking for electricians in Waterloo, IA, look no further than our team!

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What’s In Your Water?

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

water-coming-from-sink-faucetIn the last few years, water quality problems in the Midwest have brought to light what exactly could be threatening the water we all drink and bathe with. The good news is, our water goes through heavy filtration at the municipal level, and we do not have problems of a large magnitude as a result.

However, water has a long way to go from that water plant through the pipes and into our homes. Contaminants and minerals can get picked up—these particles in your water can have a significant impact on your household, not only for your health but your quality of life, too. For this reason, it’s vital that you invest in professional water testing in Cedar Falls, IA, particularly if you’ve never had it done before.

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Why The Drain Cleaning Method You Choose Makes a Difference

Monday, July 8th, 2019

plumber-unclogging-drain-in-bathtubIf there’s anything you should know about drain cleaning, it’s that this service is absolutely necessary to keep your drain and sewer system in decent condition. It’s a good idea to schedule drain cleaning as part of maintenance for your plumbing in Waterloo, IA at least once a year! This keeps clogs from forming, removes blockages that may already be present, and generally keeps everything flowing smoothly.

If there’s anything else you should know about drain cleaning, it’s that store-bought, liquid “drain cleaners” aren’t the answer, despite their name. Unfortunately, though they may be temporarily effective at relieving certain types of clogs, the reason they are such is because of the corrosive chemicals in them—chemicals that will slowly eat away at your pipes and lead to repair needs or possibly even repiping.

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Unique AC Repairs You Can Avoid with Professional Installation

Monday, June 24th, 2019

air-conditioning-unitsWhen you need quality air conditioning repair service, we’ll be there for you! But, what if we could help you avoid the need for some seriously annoying repairs? Repairs that might have been avoided with professional installation. If you had your air conditioner installed by a general handyman, or you’re thinking of installing an air conditioner yourself, please read on to learn about the repair needs you might run into as a result.

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