Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Cedar Falls Blog’ Category

What Exactly Is the Heat Exchanger?

Monday, November 6th, 2023

If you were to ask HVAC technicians about the most important component in your gas furnace, many of them would likely say the heat exchanger. But to explain what this component is and why it’s so important, we’d need to dive into the internal processes of your furnace and see where all the pieces come together.

Don’t get us wrong, if you’ve been told by a licensed technician that your heat exchanger is faulty or is in need of repairs, don’t ignore this advice. A broken heat exchanger can lead to devastating consequences like leaking gas or carbon monoxide in your home. Also, if your heat exchanger is having problems, then it’s likely there are other issues inside your furnace as well that need to be addressed.

All of this can be fixed or at least addressed properly with professional furnace service in Waverly, IA, but as you’ll soon find out, the more you know about your furnace’s components, the more comfortable you’ll be with getting help.

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3 Noises Your Furnace Shouldn’t Make

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

It’s the season for scary movies and falling leaves, which is the best season for a lot of people. While you’re cuddled up with the family watching some midnight horror movies, or if you’re baking a delicious pumpkin pie, you might want to be wary of some spooky noises that you notice on your own!

In all seriousness, furnaces are supposed to work behind the scenes. You might hear a click, and a gentle “whoosh” as air moves from the system to the vents in your rooms, but that’s basically it. Anything more than that and you might have a problem on your hands.

Of course, it’s impossible to completely diagnose a problem with a blog post. But we want to empower our customers to do a little detective work when finding out if they need heating repair in Waterloo, IA, or if the sound was just a one-time thing.

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It’s Time to Get Your Furnace Checked

Monday, October 9th, 2023

A furnace isn’t just a tool you use during the fall, winter, and spring–it’s an appliance that we depend on to live our lives. Temperatures are likely to soon dip below freezing, and at that point, it’s going to be practically impossible to live your life at home without a fully functioning furnace system. Don’t worry, we’re not trying to scare anyone, but heating is an important part of daily living.

That’s why services like furnace maintenance and furnace repair are so vital. If you call early, our team can pinpoint any problems before the cold temperatures reach us, and early enough for you to save a bit of money as well.

So today we’d like to give a PSA for homeowners out there to invest in their furnace repairs. But we’d also like to give a few reasons why early furnace repairs in Waterloo, IA are going to save you money in the long run.

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3 Money-Saving HVAC Tips

Monday, September 25th, 2023

You can never have enough money in your bank account, right? Sure, people come from all walks of life, but we’d be hard-pressed to find a reader of our blog who wouldn’t smile at the thought of an extra zero or two at the end of their bank statement.

Well, we can’t help you with your stock investments or your savings account, but we can help your HVAC equipment last longer and run more efficiently so you spend less on your energy bill every month. And contrary to popular opinion, some of these tips are completely free and can be done right at home on your own.

Interested? Then keep reading! We’re going to cover the top 3 money-saving HVAC tips that can keep you with plenty of savings to spare. And don’t forget to use some of that savings to call for heat pump service in Cedar Falls, IA if you run into trouble!

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Why Your New Lights Require Professional Installation

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Lights don’t necessarily sound like the most intense electrical project you could take on, right? They’re just a matter of having an electrical connection that switches on and off, and it’s not like there haven’t been homeowners that have installed their own lighting. But with most other electrical cases, lighting installations are deceptively complicated.

They might seem simple from the get-go, but as you try to install your own lighting, you’ll quickly realize that you’ve set yourself up for a nightmare. Not only can this be dangerous for your personal health (electrocutions really hurt), but you could also end up with holes in your wall and wires going to nowhere that make any future electrical services in Cedar Falls, IA even worse.

When you go with a professional, as we’ll describe below, things can often be cleaner, simpler, faster, and overall just better in almost every way.

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It’s Time to Upgrade Your Window AC

Monday, August 28th, 2023

For years, many customers have had one or two small window AC units that cooled specific rooms like bedrooms and offices for exceptionally hot days. These units are cheap and easy to use, making them good for budget decisions that keep you comfortable during the hottest days of the year.

But record-breaking temperatures are only continuing to get worse and window AC units aren’t actually as good as you might think. Sure, they feel better than having no air conditioning, but what if we told you that a central air conditioning system, or other AC installation in Waterloo, IA could actually be more energy-efficient and convenient?

Yep, it might finally be time to retire that old window unit and upgrade it to a system that keeps you and the entire family comfortable. Let’s talk about some reasons why an upgrade is such a good idea.

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Big Electrical Changes in 2023

Monday, August 14th, 2023

If it’s been a few years since you’ve hired an electrician in Waterloo, IA, then you might be surprised by some industry-wide changes that have been sweeping the country.

Most, if not all of them have been good changes, both for manufacturers and consumers, but they’re still a shock to many people who have been operating with the same technology for decades.

For instance, incandescent light bulbs have recently been banned, as shoppers try to figure out the specifics and information behind the new, longer-lasting LED light bulbs. Also, insurance rates have started to change as wildfires and heatwaves have become more common. An electrical problem could have serious ramifications on especially hot and dry days now.

So, let’s discuss some major electrical changes in 2023, and what you can expect on your end.

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When Do You Need AC Service?

Monday, July 17th, 2023

The answer might seem simple when you ask us. You need AC service any time your air conditioner exhibits any strange noises or problems that require fixing. While this sounds easy enough, it’s actually a lot more complicated than that.

For instance, what exactly is a problem? Is that little squeaking noise in an otherwise perfectly fine air conditioner an issue? Or what constitutes a bad noise when compared to good noises, like the sound of air coming from your air vents? These are all good questions, and ones that make this process a lot harder for homeowners than many people initially think.

Even a customer who might have an otherwise working air conditioner could see a terribly high energy bill every month–which constitutes a definite need for AC service in Cedar Falls, IA. These things require a bit more thought, which is what we’re going to cover today.

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Why Short Cycling Is Not Good

Tuesday, June 6th, 2023

Your ears have perked up at the fact that your air conditioner has started running more frequently. You can tell when it starts up and shuts down multiple times, and it’s piqued your interest. It can’t be that bad right? After all, it’s natural for the system to do this.

Well, not exactly. The only thing natural about your air conditioner is the fact that it turns on, cools air, and turns back off again. The amount of time it spends doing this should be a very specific duration, known as a cycle. If it runs this cycle in quicker succession, you’re going to see the results in broken components, higher energy bills, and even an early AC replacement.

Keep reading to learn more about the causes of a short cycling AC, and why this is never a good sign. And don’t forget to call us for AC repair in Evansdale, IA.

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It’s Time to Talk About Your Filter

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Ah, the air filter. Every air conditioner has one, and so many customers have no idea how important they are. We don’t blame them, it’s not like it’s easy to find this kind of information unless you’re following a blog like ours.

AC systems routinely go through massive amounts of air circulated through your home. They cool this air as it passes through the system, and they do so regularly in cycles. That means that all of the dust, dirt, and pet dander that’s existing in your home’s air will get cycled through the system. Or at least it all would if it weren’t for the air filter!

The air filter is a protective component that keeps the sensitive area inside your AC from being damaged by contaminants. If it’s not changed out regularly, then you could see AC repair in Waterloo, IA sooner rather than later.

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