Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Drain and Sewer’ Category

The Problem With Slow Drains: A Breakdown

Monday, February 17th, 2025

Slow drains are not as bad as clogged drains. That should be obvious. When you’re trying to wash dishes or brush your teeth, it’s way easier to use a drain that still gets rid of wastewater, even if it’s slow. Compare that to completely clogged up drains, that’s a problem that requires more immediate attention.

But don’t get things twisted–slow drains are still a problem that need to be fixed. That drain might not have reached a full-blown clog yet, but it’s definitely on its way there. We’ll discuss some great DIY ways to deal with a clogged drain, but nothing comes close to the effectiveness and speed of professional drain cleaning in Cedar Falls.

So, if you’re looking to get this taken care of quickly, you can start by scheduling an appointment with us. Call now to book your first drain inspection! Otherwise, keep reading.

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Can I Do My Own Drain Cleaning?

Monday, February 21st, 2022

When it comes to making home improvements, there are many, many things that you can do on your own, or at least with minimal help from a handyman.

Perhaps you think that drain cleaning is one of those things. After all, you can just grab a bottle of chemical drain cleaning solution from the store and call it a day, right?

Well, not quite–and we’ll talk about that more below.

But the truth is, if you want to not only relieve your clogged drain but prevent your plumbing system from having the same problem again soon, then you want to have professional plumbing done. Read on as we uncover signs of a clogged drain, the common things that cause it, and why you shouldn’t use chemicals to unclog your drain.

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Tips for Caring for Your Drains

Monday, March 18th, 2019

gurgling-bathtub-drainIf you heard someone say they have a plumbing problem, what’s the first thing you would think of? If you’re like many homeowners, you probably think of clogged or slow moving drains. Almost every homeowner has run into this problem at some time or another. The best thing you can do when this happens is invest in professional drain cleaning service from an experienced team of plumbers (don’t use store-bought liquid drain cleaners—these are corrosive, and only temporarily solve the problem).

Another way to relieve clogged drains is to prevent them from happening to begin with. This requires you to know the most common cause of drain clogs, so you can avoid these scenarios:

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