Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Electrical Services’ Category

This Season, Don’t Overload Your Electrical System with Holiday Lights!

Monday, December 6th, 2021

Tis’ the season for festive holiday decorations! Perhaps you’ve already noticed that some homes in your area have adorned their houses with a few strings of lights, or maybe even really complex, professional holiday light displays aimed to win home decorating contests.

Putting up holiday lights outside your home is a really fun way to make your household and even your street look super festive. Colorful and playful lighting is also fun to see on snowy evenings. But, it’s important that you keep in mind, no matter how many or how few holiday lights you plan to put up around your home to brighten the season, you want to take proper safety precautions to prevent issues like shorting out your electrical system, accidentally triggering an electrical fire, or perhaps even causing a tripping hazard with loose wires around.

Read on for some tips on holiday light safety, and why you shouldn’t overload your electrical system with these lights.

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5 Signs Your Electrical Panel is Ready to Be Replaced

Monday, October 11th, 2021

Imagine if all the electricity in your home went directly to your refrigerator. You probably wouldn’t have a refrigerator for very long. Thankfully, modern homes have electrical panels to manage and distribute our supply of electricity. 

As you can guess, the electrical panel is a highly important system–it helps us run our homes and protects our appliances’ well-being. This makes it even more important to be on the alert for when your electrical panel is on its last leg.

Having an electrical panel that needs to be replaced can sometimes be tricky to diagnose. We are here to help. Let’s look at some of the warning signs you might be seeing so you can figure out if they are alerting you to an electric panel that needs to be upgraded. 

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Does Your Generator Need Service?

Monday, September 27th, 2021

When a storm rolls through town or high winds take out a power line, it can be a stressful situation. After all, you don’t want to be without power for an extended period of time. However, if you are the proud owner of a whole-home generator though you won’t have to worry about being without power anytime soon.

These systems are able to provide several hours and even days-worth of power for your home should something cut off the energy provided by the city.

With all that said, a generator in need of repairs won’t be able to provide the quality of service that you’d usually expect. It is vital to get generator repair in Cedar Rapids as soon as you notice a problem. The team at Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. is here to help ensure your generator is as reliable as it is meant to be. We can start by letting you know what the warning signs are of a problem with your generator.

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Do You Need to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel Before the Holiday Season?

Monday, October 12th, 2020

outdoor-string-lightsToday’s homes have increasingly more electrical demands than those of the past. With more devices, appliances, and smart home components coming onto the market, homeowners are finding themselves purchasing extension cords and power strips to accommodate. The problem is, this isn’t necessarily safe, nor is it very healthy for an electrical system, which can become overwhelmed.

An overwhelmed electrical system means an increased risk for electrical fires, damaging power surges, failed appliances, and even electrocution. This is something to think about, especially as we progress into this time of the year. What are we referring to? The holiday season, which is really just around the corner. The holidays will look different this year, but if lighting up your home with decorations is in your plan, then you may need an electrical panel upgrade! Read on to learn the signs that this is the case.

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Signs It’s Time for an Electrical Upgrade

Monday, September 14th, 2020

technicians-hands-working-on-electrical-panelOf all the things you think about when it comes to homeownership, the state of your electrical system is probably pretty low on the priority list. That is, until you have an issue with an appliance or outlet, or experience a blackout. The thing is though, you don’t want to wait until something goes wrong to actually address the issue. This can leave you in a worse position than preventing it to begin with.

And electrical problems can be prevented. It just takes you knowing the signs that your electrical panel needs an upgrade. With the addition of so many electrical devices, components, and chargeable devices, this is important information to have on hand. Read on as we uncover some of the problems that are clear indicators it’s time to pay attention to your electrical panel!

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Signs That It’s Time for an Electrical Panel Upgrade

Monday, July 20th, 2020

technician-hands-working-on-wiresIs your home operating as safe as it should be? What we mean is, what kind of shape is your electrical system in? If your home is a few decades old and you’ve never had an electrical inspection, there’s a good chance you could be operating on an outdated panel. This is a problem for a number of reasons.

First off, an old electrical panel can cause power surges. When a powerful appliance such as your HVAC system cycles on, it can cause a surge through the panel, and this can damage other, smaller appliances and electrical equipment throughout your home–think, your refrigerator, microwave, toaster oven, etc.

Secondly, outdated electrical panels pose a fire hazard, which, of course, is a serious problem. But you can avoid this! By knowing the signs that you need an electrical panel upgrade, you’ll know when it’s time to call us, and we can get your home back on track. Read on to learn what these indicators are. 

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The Truth about Power Surges

Monday, May 11th, 2020

power-strip-with-two-cords-plugged-inHomes today have more electrical equipment and appliances in them than ever before. In fact, if we had to guess we’d say that you likely have multiple devices connected to your power supply/electrical grid at any given time, right? What’s the best way to protect your appliances and power charging stations, though?

It’s important to know the answer to this since power surges—also known as voltage spikes—can do irreparable damage to electrical components. Think you can avoid worrying since you have power strips in all your outlets? We have some news…

You’re not really protected. It’s time to call your trusted Waterloo electricians and see what more you could be doing to protect your home’s electrical system and the appliances connected to it. Read on as we elaborate!

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Should You Have a Whole-House Generator Installed?

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

technicians-installing-whole-house-generatorWe’re right smack in the middle of the coldest season of the year, which means it’s the last possible time you want to be stuck without power. Could you imagine being without your heating system right now? Not only would it be uncomfortable, it could even be dangerous and unhealthy.

If your home is at risk of a power outage—and let’s face it, if you live in the Waterloo area then stormy weather puts you at risk quite often—then you’ll absolutely benefit from contacting our certified electricians for generator installation. Read on to learn more!

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Do You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade?

Monday, October 28th, 2019

electricians-working-on-electrical-panelAlso referred to as the circuit breaker panel of your home, the electrical panel is the central hub of your entire electrical system—where the incoming electricity is routed to the different circuits. The breakers are designed to shut off circuits in case of voltage overload. If you have an older circuit breaker panel, you should ensure you aren’t overdue for having it replaced.

If you suspect or wonder if it is time for you to upgrade your electrical panel, the best thing you can do is call in a professional electrician in Cedar Falls. In the meantime, we’ve provided some questions below for you to ask yourself when determining whether or not your electrical system could use this type of upgrade.

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What to Consider When Installing Outdoor Lighting

Monday, April 1st, 2019

outdoor-lighting-in-big-yardHave you taken a good look at your landscaping lately? Probably not, since it’s been covered in snow in prior months. But now that it’s melting away, consider this—is your outdoor landscaping and lighting serving the function you want it to? Maybe you’d like more lighting in order to entertain. Or perhaps you’d like to enjoy your patio for meals with the family when the weather gets warm enough.

As springtime begins, this is the perfect time of year to consider installing outdoor lighting. But there are a number of factors to consider with this installation, including ensuring that you hire a professional electrician in Cedar Falls for the job. Once you’ve hired an electrician, here are the factors to consider when installing outdoor lighting.

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