Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Electrical Services’ Category

Are You Protecting Your Appliances and Electrical Equipment Correctly?

Monday, January 7th, 2019

Two electricians working on electrical panelHomeowners throughout the U.S. have become more and more dependent on electronic devices and high efficiency appliances. Combined with inclement weather of any kind—such as thunderstorms—the risk of power surges increase. They pose a serious threat, more serious than you may realize, to your electronic equipment and appliances.

Perhaps you believe you can get by with the small, portable surge protectors you can buy at any hardware or office supply store. These are referred to as power strips, and they are very convenient, allowing you to bypass any problems with limited outlets and plug in everything from your TV and stereo to your computer and all computer accessories. Unfortunately, though, power strips do not offer your appliances the comprehensive protection they need. For safeguarding of this caliber, we recommend you consider the installation of a whole-house surge protection system.

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Your September Maintenance Checklist

Tuesday, September 18th, 2018

We aren’t excited to say goodbye to warm weather, but September is here!  That means it’s time to get your home ready for winter, while the weather still permits. You don’t have to do it all alone; we’re here to help! Below you’ll find our list of must-dos this fall, and all the items that we can help you check off your list.fall home maintenance

1. Check for leaky faucets

Get a jump start on preventing freezing pipes by inspecting for leaks in the fall. You’ll save a large sum of money by repairing leaks now than you would have to shell out if you have a burst pipe in January.

Checking for leaks is something the Dalton team can help you with. In fact, a plumbing inspection is included with our Complete Home Comfort Membership.

2. Inspect your window seals

A drafty window or door can cause stress on your heating system and make all the difference between a warm and cozy home and a chilly one. Make sure there is a tight seal around doors and windows. If you notice some cracks, call the company who installed them to see if they are still under warranty. If not, consider caulking the seals or having a professional window company do it for you.

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Are Ceiling Fans Worth the Investment?

Monday, September 3rd, 2018

ceiling fanYou might have heard at some point that ceiling fans do very little to actually lower the temperature of the air in the room in which they’re running. So leaving the ceiling fan on all day when you’re not home won’t actually help the room feel that much better when you do come back.

Therefore, is using a ceiling fan pointless? Absolutely not! But it’s important to know that there are correct ways to use this appliance, just as there are wasteful ways. If by the end of this post you decide that ceiling fans are worth the investment for your home, be sure to contact a professional electrician in Waterloo, IA, such as any of the members of our team!

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Is Surge Protection Really Necessary?

Monday, June 11th, 2018

electrical outlet with plug in itIn short, yes! If you disagree, we urge you to reconsider. Homeowners throughout our area have beyond have become more and more dependent on electronic devices and high-efficiency appliances in even the last couple of decades. When you couple this with inclement weather of any kind (although surge protection is not just “storm protection”) the risk of power surges increase. Power surges present a more serious threat than you likely even realize—to your appliances, electronics, and home overall.

Perhaps you believe you can just get by with a small, portable surge protector that you can get at any hardware or office supply store. These are referred to as power strips and sure, you can plug in your television, stereo, computer, lighting, and more. This is convenient, no question. But it’s not enough to offer the level of protection needed for your home and to prevent the most severe of Waverly, IA electrical repair needs.

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It’s Never Too Late for a Generator Installation

Monday, May 14th, 2018

generator being installed by two techniciansTemperatures have only just begun to warm up, but as a diligent homeowners, you’ve probably already begun thinking about your air conditioner—getting it serviced if need be, or upgrading to a new, more efficient system. This is a very important part of summer preparation, but certainly not the only home system you should be thinking about.

Coping with power outages is a very real threat in our area. They may not be frequent, but when long term blackouts do occur, you need to have some way to keep your HVAC system running as well as other important home components. This is where Cedar Falls, IA generator installation comes in.

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Discover an Unexpected Benefit of Ceiling Fans

Monday, February 19th, 2018

wooden ceiling fanWe’re going to discuss something here now that usually isn’t a huge topic of conversation this time of the year, but should be! As a full-service home services company, we’re happy to share efficiency and money saving tips with our clients. As such, there’s one electrical service you can invest in that will help with another area of your home—your HVAC efficiency!

We’re talking about the installation of ceiling fans in your home, from a professional Waterloo, IA electrician. Keep reading to learn more about how exactly ceiling fans help with your comfort and your bills. And if you’d like any further information, please reach out to us any time!

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Does Your Home Need Electrical Repairs?

Monday, September 4th, 2017

magnifying glass sitting on top of electrical blueprintsIf you’ve had a circuit breaker here and there, or perhaps have noticed lights flickering somewhere in your home from time to time, you may not worry right away. But if you have an older home with an equally old electrical system, it may very well be time for concern.

Electrical problems can be serious, even if their relatively benign symptoms don’t make it seem that way. The fact of the matter is, electrical fires account for hundreds of injuries, and even fatalities, every year—and many of them can be prevented.

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The Surprising Benefits of Ceiling Fans

Monday, June 26th, 2017

ceiling-fans-surprising-benefitsTemperatures may still be relatively mild for now, but with summer officially here, it’s only a matter of time that we begin using our air conditioners on a daily basis. When this happens, it’s only natural that you want to find a way to cool your home as effectively and efficiently as possible, and keep your cooling costs down.

The good news is that you don’t have to try to use your air conditioner less just to save money—there’s no reason for you to sacrifice your comfort just to save a few bucks. You may be surprised by how much one simple electrical addition to your home can help with this. That’s right, we’re talking about a Cedar Falls, IA ceiling fan installation.

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