Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

As the Weather Warms, Don’t Neglect Your Heater!

Monday, April 16th, 2018

Young woman shivering during the winter seasonSpring is officially upon us, and even though recent weeks have shown us the last of winter temperatures, soon enough the weather will warm. When that happens, you want to make sure that your air conditioner is well prepared by scheduling maintenance and any repairs you might need, too. However, that doesn’t mean you should forget about your heating system just yet!

In fact, if you have any needs for furnace repair in Waverly, IA, it should be at the top of your mind. After all, neglecting your heater when it needs work done can be detrimental to the system, leaving you in a lurch next fall. Additionally, there are safety concerns when talking about a gas-powered heating system.

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Take Care of Your Heating Repair Needs Before the Weather Warms

Monday, March 5th, 2018

A man uses a flashlight to help him see the hot water heater in a dark closetIt may still officially be the season for snow, but spring will be here soon enough and we all know how quickly the temperatures can increase once that happens. Once things start warming up, you’ll be using your heater less and less. Therefore, if you have any Waterloo, IA heating repair needs you’ll probably be tempted to put them off until next year if they don’t seem that severe.

Unfortunately, one of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is neglecting their end-of-season heater needs. Ignoring your heater when work needs to be done can be harmful to the system itself, for one. Also, if you have a gas-powered heater then ignoring it can be a safety hazard.

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Late Season Heating Repair Signs You Should Not Neglect

Monday, March 20th, 2017

late-season-heating-repairsAlthough it’s warmed up considerably since last week, we are still experiencing considerably cold temperatures compared to other parts of the country—like the West Coast! As such, you’re likely still using your heating system on a fairly consistent basis.

And if an Evansdale, IA heating repair need crops up, no need to worry right? After all, spring is officially here this week and soon enough we’ll be turning off our heaters for the season. Unfortunately though, neglecting repair needs can be detrimental to your heating system—no matter how late in the heating season it may be.

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Problems that Warrant Boiler Repair

Monday, January 9th, 2017

Boilers have been providing heat to homes throughout the country for many, many years. There are a number of reasons why the boiler is still one of the most trusted heating systems there is on the market today. They provide you with even and effective warmth without the air quality issues you may encounter with furnaces.

Since boilers have much fewer moving parts than other heating systems, they don’t age as fast as other types of heating systems either, and typically last for many years with only a few repair needs. However, no heating system is completely invulnerable, and you may run into a problem at some point that warrants boiler repairs, such as the following.

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As Winter Progresses, Watch for These Signs of Heater Trouble

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

As our temperatures approach below-freezing levels, our furnaces—or other heating systems—are working particularly hard to meet the heating demands of your home. Hopefully, you had your heating system professionally maintained before winter began, as such service will ensure that your system runs as efficiently and effectively as it can this season.

If you do start to notice any minor issues with your heater, regardless of whether you had maintenance done or not, it’s vital that you not ignore the signs. Contact our professionals and the first indication of trouble so that we can ensure you’re all set for the remaining chilly weather. Keep reading to learn more about the signs of heater trouble within your home.

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This Winter, Watch Out for These Common Boiler Problems

Monday, November 7th, 2016

Boilers have been a leading choice in home heating systems for a number of decades. This is because they are highly reliable and efficient so long as they are well maintained. They provide efficient and even heating throughout homes without air quality concerns that you may see with a furnace.

Additionally, since a boiler has few moving parts, it doesn’t age as quickly as other types of heating systems might. As a result, they usually last for many years with only a few repair needs throughout that time. However, it’s imperative that you keep in mind—just like any other heater, boilers are not invulnerable. You may encounter a boiler problem at some time or another. But what could these problems be?

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Help! My Furnace Won’t Start Up

Monday, October 24th, 2016

Temperatures have begun to decline, signaling that the start of winter is a lot closer than it seems. Soon enough, you’ll be turning on your heater to keep your home comfortable, if you haven’t already. Hopefully if you have, you didn’t have any problems.

But what happens if you go to turn your furnace on and it doesn’t start up? What could be the cause of this trouble? Read on to learn why furnaces may fail to turn on.

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How Can You Make Your Home More Energy Efficient This Winter?

Monday, October 17th, 2016

When you think about the efficiency of your home, you likely think about how effectively and efficiently certain appliances work in your home, such as your HVAC systems. Maybe you even think about your indoor air quality—how having a humidifier or dehumidifier in your home can help your climate control system work as it should with less effort.

What if there were one simple, but very effective, way you could make your home more energy efficient though, in addition to ensuring the professional installation of highly-efficient systems? What if the secret was your front door? Keep reading to discover what we mean.

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Does Your Furnace Smell Strange upon Start Up?

Monday, September 26th, 2016

Temperatures have finally begun to cool, and while we still aren’t using our furnaces on a daily basis, you may have turned yours on one night this past weekend to get a little bit of chill out of the air indoors. If so, hopefully you didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. However if you did detect an odd smell coming from your furnace, it’s not something to be ignored.

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Causes of Boiler Leaks

Monday, February 8th, 2016

Many homes in the Cedar Falls, IA area rely on boilers to do the job in the winter, and while they are eminently reliable systems, they suffer from problems from time to time. Timely maintenance can help with that, but sooner or later a repair call will be necessary. Among the most common repairs we receive is a leak in the system, which not only creates puddles and other problems, but can severely affect your system’s ability to do its job. There are several possible causes of boiler leaks, which need to be addressed by a trained technician over and above simply sealing the leak. Otherwise, the problem will recur elsewhere in your system. Here are some possible causes of boiler leaks for you to watch out for.

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