Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Why Is Low Air Flow a Problem for Your Heater?

Monday, December 21st, 2015

Here in Cedar Falls, IA, many homes still rely on forced-air furnaces for heat. They’re reliable systems and they can provide quality comfort levels at minimal cost. But like all appliances, they run into trouble from time to time, and you need to be able to spot the problems when they do. In particular, it’s important to know when the air flowing through your system is lower than normal, for it can create a serious issues for your entire system. Here’s a quick breakdown of why low air flow is a problem for your heater.

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Get Your HVAC System Ready for Fall

Monday, October 5th, 2015

Autumn is officially here in Cedar Falls, IA, and with it comes the need to ramp down your air conditioner and ramp up your heating system. Both halves of the equation are important, and both require a few steps to get your HVAC system ready for the fall. Now is the time to get on it, when temperatures are mild and you can probably get along for a day or so without your system. Here’s a short series of suggestions for properly winterizing your HVAC system.

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Ways to make sure you're ready for the winter

Friday, September 5th, 2014

7 Recommended Pre-Winter Heating & Cooling Services


Cedar Falls Heating MaintenanceWhen it comes to your heating your home it’s important to make sure that everything is running smoothly before the winter months hit. There’s nothing worse than having your heater breakdown during sub-zero conditions. The best way you can prevent trouble before its starts is by having a heating and cooling professional preform tune up services before it gets cold.

When you hire a professional to tune-up your heating and cooling system for the winter, they should provide these 7 services.

Inspect and Replace the Filter

If you a have a filter in your heating and cooling system, it needs to be changed on a regular basis. Having your tune-up specialist check and change the filter will help keep the air cleaner, your furnace last longer, and run more efficiently.

Check the Thermostat Calibration

Proper thermostat calibration ensures that it is running properly. This will help save you money on your heating bills.

Ensure Proper Air Flow

The better the air flow of your system the more efficient and effective it will be. A good technician can check the air flow of your system with a pilot tube assembly and correct any air flow problems.

Lubricate Moveable Parts

There are a lot of moving parts in your heating and cooling unit. A professional will be able to check and make sure that all of these parts are working properly and are well-lubricated.

Inspect and Replace Blower Parts

Your heating and cooling system uses a blower to help air move from one part of your home to another. Because this part is used so frequently, it wears out more than any other part of the system. A good technician can check to make sure your blower is working properly and replace or repair it if necessary.

Cedar Falls Heating Tune UpCheck the Evaporator Coil

The evaporator coil increases the warming capacity, improves air flow and helps to improve interior air quality. A good HVAC professional can find the evaporator coil inside the small crawl space where it is located and check the state of the coil.

Measure the Refrigerant Pressure

Refrigerant and heating pressure is another important part of your heating and cooling system. A good quality technician will check the pressure and make any necessary changes or repairs.

When you hire the right professional to tune-up your heating system, you can rest assured that it will work properly and efficiently all season long.

Is your HVAC unit ready for the winter? Make sure it is by calling Dalton Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. at (319) 266-3513 and scheduling a service call today!

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