Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Signs that You Need Drain Cleaning

Monday, November 13th, 2017

Water running down the drain - shallow DOFThe drain and sewer system of your home is one of the most important components of the plumbing system. If your drain system isn’t properly maintained, it can cause serious problems for the whole system.

Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to keep your drain system in good shape. All you need to do is ensure that you schedule drain cleaning services in Waterloo, IA with a professional plumber on at least a yearly basis. Keep reading to learn signs that you may need drain cleaning outside of that maintenance appointment.

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Experiencing This? Time to Call a Professional Plumber!

Monday, July 24th, 2017

call-plumber-timeIt can be fairly difficult for the average homeowner to detect whether or not their plumbing system is in good condition at any given time. In fact, you probably prefer not to think about your plumbing system at all, so long as it continues to work for you the way it always does, right? Out of sight, out of mind! This isn’t the best approach to take with your plumbing system, though.

Of course, whether you’re looking to prevent problems or have an emergency, you can turn to us for highly trained, professional plumbers in Evansdale, IA. In the meantime, though, we’d like to help you minimize plumbing damage by informing you of warning signs you should watch out for—if you notice any of these, give us a call!

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Common Plumbing Leaks and How to Detect Them

Monday, February 20th, 2017

Common-Plumbing-LeaksIs your home in need of plumbing repairs? Perhaps it is, but you don’t even realize it. That’s why it’s a good idea to know the signs of a leak so you can detect a potentially disastrous problem like this right away. Fortunately, if you do have an emergency, you can count on our team for superior emergency plumbing services in Cedar Falls, IA. But, we understand that you’d like to avoid a scenario like this altogether!

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3 Signs it’s Time to Call a Plumber

Monday, October 31st, 2016

Your home’s plumbing system is one of the most important components it has. Without clean, working pipes, fixtures, and water heaters, modern conveniences just wouldn’t be possible. So if you find that your plumbing system is having issues, then you’ll want trust a highly trained professional plumber—like the members of our staff.

But what if it’s just a small problem you think you can resolve on your own? In some cases, a little backup can be relieved by a plunger, but this is about the only time you should attempt a plumbing repair on your own, as store-bought chemical drain cleaners can do more harm than good. Keep reading for 3 signs that it’s time to call one of our professional plumbers.

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Preventing Frozen Pipes: 3 Steps to Take Now

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

The weather may still be on the warmer side around these parts, however fall is officially here, and winter will follow shortly behind. One of the most common problems we contend with during the winter months is burst pipes. This occurs when water freezes and expands inside the pipes, include it ruptures the metal lining.

It’s important that you take steps now to prevent this, while temperatures are still on the warmer side and you have the opportunity to make additions or changes to your current plumbing system to help you out. Keep reading for 3 steps you should take now to avoid this problem.

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Help! I Have a Plumbing Emergency

Monday, September 5th, 2016

Most of the time, when a homeowner has a plumbing leak, they don’t notice it right away. This is because most plumbing systems are almost entirely hidden from sight. And when it comes to having leaks detected or having the system repaired, you’ll need the expertise and skill of a professional plumber, such as the technicians on our staff.

Then there are other plumbing problems that are a lot more obvious. For example, you might have a broken pipe that sends water gushing into the living spaces of your home. In emergencies such as this one, you’ll need to know what to do. So keep reading for some of our expert tips, to help you be prepared in any plumbing emergency.

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Why Should You Call a Professional Plumber?

Monday, July 18th, 2016

Plumbing issues are one of those things that nobody wants to deal with. But as one of the most important components in your home, your plumbing system is not one that should ever be ignored. You can’t get away without clean, working pipes, fixtures, and water heaters.

So if you find that your plumbing system is out of sorts at all, while you may be tempted to repair it on your own, you really do need to hire a professional plumber to have a look. We’ve listed a few scenarios below in which you should certainly call for professional plumbing services.

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3 Causes of Clogged Toilets

Monday, April 11th, 2016

Toilets are the single most important plumbing appliance in your home, for obvious reasons. When they get clogged up, they can bring your household screeching to a halt, and while the simplest issues (i.e., clogs caused by human waste and toilet paper) can usually be covered by the use of a plunger and some good old-fashioned elbow grease, other causes require a professional plumber’s attention. Here in Waverly, IA, you have a reliable service on call to help, but we’ve found you can avoid a clogged toilet simply by monitoring what you flush down it during the day. Here are 3 causes of clogged toilets that should watch out for.

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How Does UV Water Disinfection Work?

Monday, April 4th, 2016

If you think back to high school science class, you can likely recall the basics of UV (or ultraviolet light), which lies beyond our ability to see, but which can affect us nonetheless. In sunlight, it causes our skin to tan or burn. In smaller amounts, such as those present in a UV light bulb, it can interact with the detergent in our laundry to make white clothes glow in the dark. (It’s how you get that effect at amusement parks or rock concerts). But UV light can serve a far more important role than momentary amusement. When applied properly, it can help make the water in your Hudson, IA home a whole lot cleaner and safer. All you need is a UV water disinfection system in your home.

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Protect Yourself Against Spring Floods with a Sump Pump

Monday, February 29th, 2016

Winter is coming to an end, and here in Evansdale, IA, that means rains and flooding will be here soon. Heavy rain is part and parcel of the Midwest, but when it floods your basement or other part of your property, it can be a huge problem to clean up and repair the damage. The solution is to install a sump pump at the lowest point in your property, which can safely remove floodwater as it enters your property. A quality plumber is needed to perform the installation, but if you schedule a session now, before the rains start in earnest, your new sump pump will be ready to go when you need it. Here’s how it works.

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