Hard water is a problem for many homes. It leaves a metallic taste in your drinking water, makes your clothes fade faster, and can even damage your appliances over time. Luckily, a water softener in Evansdale can help you tackle these issues once and for all. We provide expert water filtration services to help you improve your home’s water quality. You deserve cleaner, softer water, and we’re here to help you get it.
Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Water Treatment’ Category
Say Goodbye to Hard Water for Good
Monday, October 21st, 2024Does Your Water Need Treatment?
Monday, January 30th, 2023Have you ever stayed in a part of the country, in an apartment or some kind of private living space, and you just couldn’t go near the tapwater? Some tapwater can be inundated with all kinds of bacteria that’s native to the area if it comes from a private pump, while others can have minerals in it if it’s not correctly softened. Basically, depending on where you live, your water could be undrinkable or even unusable without treatment.
But the more you look at what could be contaminating your water, the more anxious you might get. There are a lot of horror stories out there about contaminated water and homeowners being left on their own to deal with some serious issues with bacteria, viruses, and minerals. Well, this blog post is to help alleviate some of that anxiety and point you in the right direction when you need water treatment systems in Cedar Falls, IA.
“How Do I Know If I Need Water Treatment?”
Monday, December 5th, 2022
We have some good news, and some not-so-great news when it comes to the quality of the water you drink, bathe with, and use for various other tasks in your home. The good news is, if your water comes from a city main then it goes through heavy filtration before it reaches your faucets and taps. This means that you usually do not have to worry about harmful contaminants reaching your home.
The not-so-great news is two-fold. First off, that water has a long way to go from the municipal plant to your house—it can pick up stuff along the way such as minerals causing hard water, and other pollutants. Secondly, if you’re getting your water from a well, then the quality of your water is even more unpredictable.
Back to that good news though! You can tell what shape your home’s water is with professional water testing in Cedar Falls, from our experienced team. From there, we can make recommendations for you to improve the health and safety of your water. In the meantime, here are some signs to watch out for that indicate you need such a service.
It’s Time to Treat Your Water
Monday, October 24th, 2022Nobody likes to think that their home’s water is impure. After all, not only do you use your water every day for cleaning and bathing, but you probably drink it as well. So, you want it to be as healthy as possible, both for the people who live in your home and for your plumbing system.
The truth is, while your water does go through heavy filtration and your municipal water plant, there are many miles for that water to travel until it reaches the taps and the appliances within your home. And therefore, it may need a little help getting as clean and pure as possible to meet your cleaning and drinking standards. Read on as we discuss two types of very important water treatment systems and give us a call when you’re ready for water treatment services!
Is a Water Softener Really Worth It?
Monday, July 4th, 2022Water softeners are a type of water treatment system that aren’t needed for every home, but they are beneficial for many! Hard water is an issue that’s pretty common throughout neighborhoods in our area. There’s nothing particularly unhealthy about hard water when it comes to you and your family ingesting it. It can, however, definitely impact your quality of life in subtle but annoying and possibly even expensive ways.
For homes with this problem, a water softener is absolutely worth it, so long as it’s a whole-house water softener, professionally installed by an experienced team such as ours. Read on to learn more about these systems!
Dalton’s Guide to Water Treatment
Monday, June 27th, 2022There’s no secret that homeowners today not only want to be comfortable in their homes as affordably as possible, but that they also want to be as safe and healthy as possible. There are many ways to achieve this–with the right comfort control systems, the right indoor air quality solutions, and the right water treatment!
That last one doesn’t get talked about a lot, but it should. Even though the water that comes from the city’s plant is heavily treated, it has many miles to travel from that plant to your home, and along the way can pick up minerals and contaminants that affect the taste, the water quality, and even your plumbing system.
Read on as we uncover the types of water treatment systems on the market today, the signs you need water treatment, and what the benefits are of having a whole-house water treatment system installed.
Signs That Your Home Has Hard Water
Monday, May 9th, 2022If you’ve never heard the term “hard water” before, then you may wonder why it even matters if your home has it. The thing is, it’s not necessarily harmful to you or your household. But, it is potentially harmful to your plumbing system and your quality of life as result.
Hard water is water that has a high level of minerals in it–namely magnesium, calcium, and sometimes iron too. These minerals are harmless to ingest, but cause sediment buildup that can be bad for your drains. But how do you know if your home has hard water? Read on for some telltale signs.
Does Your Water Need an Upgrade?
Monday, November 23rd, 2020You might be wondering what we mean by this—“My water? What’s wrong with my water?!”
We get it—this probably isn’t something you think about too often. But we want to encourage you otherwise. Some water quality problems can be quite harmful, after all. The water you use for cooking, cleaning, and drinking has many miles to go from the water treatment plant to your home, and on the way has the potential to pick up harmful contaminants.
And then there are mineral deposits, too. Namely, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Now, these minerals are not harmful for you to ingest, but over time they are very harmful to your plumbing system and quality of life. Read on as we uncover the problems associated with what’s called hard water and what you can do about it!
Our Top 4 Benefits of a Water Softener
Wednesday, February 13th, 2019Do you use a water filtration system in your home? These units are fantastic for removing particulates from your water that are unsafe to drink, like lead or plastic. But what about the hard minerals in your water?
Water softeners remove magnesium, calcium, and other metals from your water, turning hard water into soft water. Though you may think this process is unnecessary because you’ve gotten along just fine without it, there are many benefits to installing a water softener in your home. Below are our top perks of having a water softener system.
Lower Utility Bills
Your appliances will run more efficiently with soft water. Rather than pushing water through limescale buildup or clogged connection pipes, your water will flow smoothly. That means your appliances won’t have to work as hard to operate.