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Silent Signs Your Generator Needs Repair

Generators play a big role in keeping our homes powered during outages. When storms hit or the power goes out, you want your generator to work seamlessly. But what happens when it starts to show signs of trouble? This blog will highlight some silent signs your generator needs repair. If you’re looking for generator repair in Waverly, IA, we’re here to help.

Understanding the Need for Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your generator running smoothly. Just like any other appliance, generators need care. Ignoring these needs can lead to costly repairs later. A little attention now can save you headaches down the road.

Silent Signs Your Generator Needs Repair

Unusual Noises

Have you noticed strange noises coming from your generator? Sounds like clanking, grinding, or excessive rattling can indicate a problem. These noises may signal that a part is loose or damaged. It’s a good idea to check on this before it becomes a bigger issue.

Decreased Power Output

When you rely on your generator, it should power your essential appliances without a hitch. If you find your refrigerator or lights flickering when the generator is running, it might not be producing enough power. This decreased power output can be a sign of wear and tear. It’s important to address this issue to avoid being left in the dark during a storm.

Frequent Shutdowns

Does your generator shut down by surprise? Frequent shutdowns can indicate deeper problems. This issue can happen for many reasons. This can include overheating or fuel supply problems. Instead of troubleshooting it yourself, it’s best to call in licensed generator technicians who can properly check on the situation.

Increased Fuel Consumption

Is your generator using more fuel than normal? This could mean it’s not working properly. A good generator should use fuel efficiently. If you find yourself refueling more often, it’s a sign that something is wrong. Getting professional help can really make a difference here.

Warning Lights or Alerts

Most modern generators have warning lights or alerts on the control panel. If you see a warning light, don’t ignore it. These lights are there to signal a problem with your generator. Taking action on warning lights right away can help prevent bigger issues down the road.

Importance of Professional Repairs

When it comes to repairs, getting professional help is important. Trying to fix a generator without the right training can cause more problems. Licensed technicians know how to spot issues and fix them properly. They can also help with troubleshooting. What seems like a small problem now could turn into a big headache later if not handled correctly.

Generator Maintenance and Repairs

This helps you find out if your generator can handle your needs. Keeping up with maintenance can also make your generator more energy efficient. This means it will run better and save you money on fuel over time. A generator is a valuable addition to any home, especially in areas that often lose power.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! Contact us today for professional generator repair in Waverly, IA.

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