Mindset Matters: Changing Your Perspective on HVAC

February 26th, 2024

Air conditioning, heating, air quality… There are just so many aspects to home comfort that it can get overwhelming. Especially when you’re trying to balance these high-tech systems with your own personal or professional life–there’s only so much time in the day and brainpower you have before it can feel defeating.

Well, we understand you. Things in the world are pretty tough, and many people are busier than they want to be. But we’d like to help with a nifty tip that can make things a lot easier for our customers, a perspective shift that could help you deal with an upcoming repair or replacement that would otherwise stress you out.

What if we told you that your heating, air conditioning, and air quality were all connected? What if there were strategies and mindsets that could help you reduce the amount of heating repairs in Cedar Rapids that you’d otherwise need to pay for? This is all true, and we’ll get into it down below.

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Panel Vs. Fuse Box: What’s the Difference?

February 26th, 2024

An electrician would easily know the answer (or answers) to this question, but it’s not exactly obvious to every homeowner. Some homes have fuse boxes, and others have electrical panels, and understanding the differences between these two systems can seem like a nightmare without a trustworthy source of information.

Well, we’re happy to be your electrical authority for questions like these, and we’ll simply answer your questions down below or over the phone if you’d prefer. Yes, there are some significant differences between a fuse box and an electrical panel, and your home is more likely to function better if you have one of these systems over the other.

Which system is better? Why are we even comparing these types of systems? The answers will be clear down below. Just make sure you call our electricians in Cedar Falls for help with your electrical panel or fuse box.

The Electrical Core of Your House

The fuse box or electrical circuit breaker of your house is the “core.” What we mean by that is every electrical appliance in your home must draw its power from this place which comes from outside of your home. Unless you have solar panels or some other kind of generator creating an inflow of electricity, the panel or fuse box likely receives electricity from your municipality or the power plant.

You just won’t find a home without this kind of thing. Even garages and sheds can have their own circuit breaker boxes or fuse boxes to direct the electrical flow somewhere in the building. They’re a requirement for modern-day living and you need to have one of these in your home. So what’s the difference?

The Invention of the Fuse Box

When electrical appliances were first invented, houses needed a way to limit the amount of electricity that came through the wires and into your devices. Too much electricity could start a fire or short circuit appliances, which was not a good idea. So, fuse boxes were invented to direct the flow of electricity from one central place in your home through a fuse.

If there was too much electricity going through the fuse, it would melt down or blow, which is where the term blown fuse comes from. This was a simple and smart way to monitor your home electricity. But these soon become outdated.

Electrical Panels

Electrical panels, or circuit breakers, do everything that a fuse box does without the need for a blown fuse to stop electricity from flowing. It has its own electrical switch which detects an overloaded circuit and automatically disconnects the power, stopping the chance of a broken device or fire hazard. These units can be easily reset without the need for additional fuses like an old fuse box would.

Additionally, you can just flip the circuit back manually on your panel to get power back on to wherever it was shut down. Electrical panels are just a safer, more modernized version of the fuse box which uses less materials and can monitor a much greater flow of electricity.

After this blog post, we hope we made it clear that your old fuse box could use a major upgrade to a circuit breaker panel.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! To set up an appointment in the Cedar Falls area, give us a call at the number above, email customerservice@daltonphc.com or schedule an appointment online.

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Why Is My Furnace Dripping?

February 19th, 2024

In colder climates, furnaces are some of the most reliable and common heating systems we use. They’re affordable, safe, efficient, and use natural gas which is plentiful in our local communities. However, they’re very different when compared to a heat pump or an electric furnace. Electric furnaces function more like space heaters where a gas furnace runs more like a stove or fireplace.

With all that said, we’re here to address an important issue that customers can get concerned about–a dripping furnace. How does water come out of your furnace? And why is it showing up now when it didn’t last year?

These are excellent questions and ones that we’ll get to in the blog post below. But don’t hesitate to call our team for expert furnace repairs in Cedar Rapids if you notice your furnace dripping. This is a problem that requires professional support.

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5 Best Types of People Who Enjoy Air Purifiers

February 12th, 2024

If it were a perfect world, we’d recommend everyone get an air purifier to enjoy the benefits. Despite this blog title, anyone can enjoy the unique and powerful benefits that come from an air purification system. But unfortunately, this isn’t a perfect world and everyone is going to make a different choice depending on their preferences and priorities.

So, here’s a helpful little guide to see if you’d be the type of person to enjoy a UV air purifier in Cedar Rapids, IA. These amazing systems can help treat the contaminants in your air using natural ultraviolet light that resembles the light of the sun. With this system installed in your air ducts, you can see a measurable improvement in your home’s air quality, breathability, and safety. For customers with allergies, compromised immune systems, or even strong noses, these are practically essential.

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Is a Ductless Heat Pump the Best Option?

February 12th, 2024

Many homeowners are face to face with a conundrum this season. 2024 is indeed a great year to start investing in heat pump technology, but the estimates of ductless heat pump installations when compared to conventional furnaces or boilers can be hard to understand.

For instance, you might see a ductless mini split system quoted at several thousand dollars more to set up than a conventional heating system, even if they’re both providing you with heat. This might seem like a dealbreaker and might shake your faith in heat pump technology, but we promise that there’s a silver lining to all of this. These quotes and estimates, even if they’re accurate, don’t show the full picture of what ductless HVAC in Cedar Falls is and how it might save you money elsewhere.

So, to answer the main question of this blog post–yes, a ductless heat pump is the best option for a lot of our customers. But in order to figure out why, we’ll need to sink our teeth into some data.

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Why a Guarantee Matters

February 5th, 2024

We see “guarantees” referenced all over popular media. From commercials to popular products, and even on our favorite shows, a guarantee means something very important to some people. Regardless of what the guarantee might be, it makes people feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Peace of mind goes very far in this industry, and having a guarantee helps with that potentially more than anything else we can offer. Guaranteeing your safety, security, comfort, and your budget, could mean you get to spend your energy on more important things in life, instead of stressing over your HVAC system.

So, why are we talking about this? Simple. We offer multiple guarantees with our work, from a two-year buy it back guarantee to a 24-hour home comfort guarantee. In order to understand just how much these can help your situation and make our service worth it, we need to go into detail about HVAC services in Cedar Rapids, IA. Let’s get started!

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“Why Is My Air Filter So Important?”

January 29th, 2024

A great deal of issues we see with heating system during the winter are due to a clogged air filter. These components are absolutely integral to how a heating system operates, and if customers neglect them, then problems are bound to happen in the near future. This is just a part of heating and cooling a home.

But why are air filters so important? And more importantly, what does changing an air filter really do?

These are excellent questions and places where we can try to make your life a bit easier. There aren’t very many trustworthy resources where customers can figure out the importance and practical uses of their air filter, which is why we hope our blog can give you the information you need. Just make sure you call our team for expert HVAC services in Cedar Rapids, IA.

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3 Tax Season HVAC Tips

January 22nd, 2024

It’s almost tax season! Whether you’re bound to pay a lot of money, or you’re about to get an influx of cash, we’re sure that everyone is thinking about their finances now. This is a particularly good time to start re-evaluating your financial plan, how much money you’re making, and some long-term investments and goals that might help you make it through another year.

Times are tough, there’s no questioning that. It feels like things are more expensive than ever, which means that even someone with an influx of cash might want to make a careful investment. So, is a new HVAC system in Cedar Rapids, IA a good investment to use all that cash for? Or is a new HVAC system going to help you throughout a year where things might be tight?

The answer to both of those questions is yes, but it depends on your unique situation and your home. Let’s talk about three tax season HVAC tips that can answer those.

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Viruses and Bacteria Hate This One Piece of Equipment

January 15th, 2024

Sometimes, the solution to your indoor air quality needs boils down to one thing. You can find thousands of guides, tutorials, and advertisements online that will try to sell you products and services that might slightly help your air quality issues, but none of them will produce the effect that this one will.

That’s simply because this product is based on science, and it’s one of the most advanced technological pieces of equipment to come out of the last 50 years in this industry. We’re talking, of course, about UV air purifiers. A UV air purifier in Cedar Rapids, IA will work exceptionally well at eliminating viruses, bacteria, and even mold spores depending on your home’s situation. And, it all does this with a light bulb.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not, but by the time you read this blog post, you’ll understand how effective this unit can be in treating your home.

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Don’t Panic: A Guide on Buying a Replacement Heater

January 15th, 2024

Your heater is starting to sputter out of control and we still have a few months of cold weather left. That can be a scary predicament and a lot of homeowners would feel the stress and pressure in this particular instance. We get it.

We want to start by saying one important thing–don’t panic. Panic can cause customers to purchase systems and services cheaply and without enough research, causing them to require an early replacement eventually or to be unhappy with their new heating system. We get that you need heat and there’s no time to wait, but you don’t need to buy a system that won’t keep you happy.

In other words, we’d like to talk about how a heater replacement in Cedar Falls can be an opportunity to improve your home, your comfort, and your budget in the future. But the first step is to calm down and keep reading our post for a guide on buying a replacement system.

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