3 Smart Moves for Your Home HVAC System

August 21st, 2023

With record-breaking heatwaves and other unusual weather events, it can be hard to focus on anything else. Sometimes just turning on the weather report can cause us to do things that otherwise we wouldn’t do. It’s a pain, but it’s a necessary part of being a responsible homeowner.

However, an important aspect of the HVAC industry is prevention. More specifically, we’re experts at providing homeowners with solutions that can help them mitigate weather in the future, not just weather events right now.

For example, we know it’s going to get cold this winter, and winter is only a few months away. While your AC does need support now, you’re going to want to focus on other aspects of your HVAC in Cedar Rapids, IA. Then, when the record-breaking cold temperatures hit, you’ll be more than ready for them.

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Why Is It Hotter Upstairs Than Downstairs?

August 14th, 2023

Well, this is an interesting question, but one that would be irresponsible to just answer in a simple few words. While it might sound like your air conditioner is encountering problems that require AC repair in Cedar Rapids, IA, that might not necessarily be the case.

For instance, the laws of thermodynamics dictate that heat rises, no matter what. So, on a hot day, your upstairs rooms are just more likely to get hotter than the downstairs ones. But if your home is well insulated and your AC is in good shape, that might not necessarily be the case.

Sound confusing? Don’t worry, we’ll cover this naturally occurring phenomenon and more down below. Just be sure to call our team if you think the problem stems from the fact that your air conditioner is running incorrectly.

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Big Electrical Changes in 2023

August 14th, 2023

If it’s been a few years since you’ve hired an electrician in Waterloo, IA, then you might be surprised by some industry-wide changes that have been sweeping the country.

Most, if not all of them have been good changes, both for manufacturers and consumers, but they’re still a shock to many people who have been operating with the same technology for decades.

For instance, incandescent light bulbs have recently been banned, as shoppers try to figure out the specifics and information behind the new, longer-lasting LED light bulbs. Also, insurance rates have started to change as wildfires and heatwaves have become more common. An electrical problem could have serious ramifications on especially hot and dry days now.

So, let’s discuss some major electrical changes in 2023, and what you can expect on your end.

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An AC Upgrade Might Be in Your Future

August 7th, 2023

Air conditioning is all over the news these days. It’s not by accident either, there are record-breaking heatwaves happening all over the country–and we’re still barely in August.

This means that you’re likely getting inundated with advertisements about central air conditioners, heat pumps, ductless systems, and more. But why can’t you just rely on your old window air conditioner?

Well, you can, but it’s not going to be as reliable as a more robust system. Window AC units are not as powerful, efficient, or as convenient as central air conditioners.

In fact, central air conditioners are almost better in every single way, and window units are only better in very specific situations (like small apartments and tiny homes).

We’d like to talk about all of the ways a central AC upgrade in Cedar Rapids, IA is going to be a great decision, and when it might not be.

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Big Tips: Saving Money During a Heatwave

July 31st, 2023

You’ve probably seen the news over the past few days or weeks. Half of the country is encountering record-breaking heat and, in some cases, extreme weather warning. This is causing some serious strain on the power grid as everyone begins running their air conditioners throughout the days and nights.

There’s no escaping this heat if you live where we do. Air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA is necessary at this point, and while we’ve just made it to August, there’s likely a lot more heat to come.

So, how can you get through a heatwave and record-breaking temperatures without breaking the bank? We’ll go over some tested tips and best practices that can help you tremendously over the next few weeks–and some of these tips are free!

Just be sure to call a team of professionals if you encounter any problems, from blown-out compressors to ice forming on your coil. We can be the technicians to help you.

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How Do I Know Where My Water Leak Is Coming From?

July 24th, 2023

This question gets at the heart of an issue we call “leak detection.” In the plumbing industry, this is a difficult subject to approach, because everyone has their own methods and strengths when it comes to finding a leak and having it dealt with.

Some folks, for instance, have very sharp ears and can detect even the slightest “dripping” sound coming from their basement in the middle of the night. Other people might be losing their hearing, but they’ve got great vision where they can see the moisture of a pinhole leak developing on a pipe.

In fact, there are several different methods for water leak detection in Cedar Rapids, IA, and many of them can be done either by professionals or for free at home. We’re going to go over a few methods of water leak detection, from audio cues to exact measurements using your water meter. Then, we’ll let you decide if you should call us for professional services when it’s finally time to plug that leak.

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What Is a Ductless System?

July 17th, 2023

We talk a lot about ductless HVAC systems on this blog. In fact, people are just talking about these systems everywhere nowadays and it’s important to know why. The honeymoon phase of this new technology being “exciting” and “innovative” has slowly gone away, but their absolute dominance in the field of comfort and efficiency is here to stay.

Ductless heat pumps are powerful mounted systems that can run both air conditioning and heating. They don’t require air ducts and they function via air handlers in your home. This is what they are on the surface, but once you dig a bit deeper, they get a lot more enticing if you can believe it!

Just remember that a ductless system isn’t for everyone and every budget. They tend to run more expensive than standard central AC or heating systems. Be sure to speak with an expert for your ductless air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA.

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When Do You Need AC Service?

July 17th, 2023

The answer might seem simple when you ask us. You need AC service any time your air conditioner exhibits any strange noises or problems that require fixing. While this sounds easy enough, it’s actually a lot more complicated than that.

For instance, what exactly is a problem? Is that little squeaking noise in an otherwise perfectly fine air conditioner an issue? Or what constitutes a bad noise when compared to good noises, like the sound of air coming from your air vents? These are all good questions, and ones that make this process a lot harder for homeowners than many people initially think.

Even a customer who might have an otherwise working air conditioner could see a terribly high energy bill every month–which constitutes a definite need for AC service in Cedar Falls, IA. These things require a bit more thought, which is what we’re going to cover today.

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What Should I Do If I Have Hard Water?

July 10th, 2023

Well, ideally nothing. This sounds like a problem for your prospective plumber who has access to solutions that we’ll get to below. But trying to solve this problem DIY is never really a good idea.

Hard water is more of a matter of chemistry than it is a physical problem you can fix. You can’t just reach your hand into your water supply and pull out the minerals, they’re dissolve to a microscopic level, even where a filter wouldn’t be able to help much. A water softener is going to be your best bet, and it’s an incredibly simple water treatment system in Vinton, IA. It uses a bit of chemistry to remove all of the minerals from your water while keeping your plumbing system from getting overwhelmed.

Let’s talk about how this system works, why it’s so helpful, and how you can get started on your journey towards having a hard water treatment system like a water softener installed in your home.

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How Do I Read My Electrical Panel?

July 3rd, 2023

This is a great question and one that we get from many different customers. Some electrical panels are poorly labeled and homeowners are practically searching in the dark for the right switch for a circuit. Other homeowners might have strange numbers or symbols on their electrical panel that can correspond to different types of industry jargon.

As your local electrical experts, we’d like to do a deep dive on reading your electrical panel. The more you know about how it operates and how it should be correctly labeled, the better off you’ll be when something goes wrong or when you’re diagnosing a problem.

Remember, knowing this kind of information does not replace professional electrical panel service in Cedar Rapids, IA. In fact, customers can seriously injure themselves or ruin electrical components of their home if they’re not careful. This guide is meant to inform you so you can better know when a pro is needed, or if you just need to flip a switch.

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