Water Efficiency in the Bathroom, Kitchen, and Outdoors

June 5th, 2023

Plumbing is one of those topics that affects our lives in more ways than we think. Since the dawn of the 21st century, we’ve depended on plumbing appliances to help us get rid of wastewater, clean our clothes and homes, and even to wash dishes. This means that customers need to be more vigilant than ever about their home efficiency and how it relates to their plumbing.

For instance, old our outdated plumbing appliances can use a lot more water than they’re supposed to. An old washing machine will use 2-3 times more water than a new, high-efficiency one, which means you end up paying more over time. It’s upgrades like these, and more help from our team, that can help you improve your water efficiency in the bathroom and kitchen.

So, let’s talk about a few tried and tested solutions that can reduce your home’s waste while keeping you more comfortable.

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3 Great Ways to Save Water

May 29th, 2023

It can be easy to think that we have access to an unlimited supply of water. After all, over 70% of the surface of our planet is covered in water, so it’s not like we’re in need of it, right?

Well, that water is salt water, which makes it hard to filter. And even so, freshwater must be pumped or piped to your home either with the use of an electrical device or the help of your local municipality. This means that it’s not free, and the water that gets used by your home has a cost.

Water is relatively cheap where we live, but things like plumbing leaks in Cedar Rapids and broken appliances can cause our bills to go up. And, wasting water can also be bad for the environment, as we’re seeing more record-breaking droughts and periods without rain. The more you can do with a smaller amount of water, the better off you’ll be!

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3 Big Bonuses From Air Filtration

May 22nd, 2023

It’s allergy season! We don’t mean to sound excited about that, but in truth when you take the “allergies” out of springtime, it truly is one of the most beautiful and fun seasons of the year. The flowers are blooming and look brilliant, while the sun is starting to peek its head out later and later with every day. There’s just so much time for fun activities, and the weather is even getting better.

However, once you put the allergies back into the springtime, it can be a nightmare for some people. That’s why we’re the go-to indoor air quality service provider that can help eliminate things like allergens and biological contaminants in your home.

With the help of an air filter and a UV air purifier in Cedar Rapids, IA, you can take control of your home during this season and feel comfortable again.

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It’s Time to Talk About Your Filter

May 22nd, 2023

Ah, the air filter. Every air conditioner has one, and so many customers have no idea how important they are. We don’t blame them, it’s not like it’s easy to find this kind of information unless you’re following a blog like ours.

AC systems routinely go through massive amounts of air circulated through your home. They cool this air as it passes through the system, and they do so regularly in cycles. That means that all of the dust, dirt, and pet dander that’s existing in your home’s air will get cycled through the system. Or at least it all would if it weren’t for the air filter!

The air filter is a protective component that keeps the sensitive area inside your AC from being damaged by contaminants. If it’s not changed out regularly, then you could see AC repair in Waterloo, IA sooner rather than later.

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Match Your AC With a New Thermostat

May 15th, 2023

Replacing your old thermostat isn’t really a requirement when you get a new AC installed. It’s usually a case of “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” But we’re not talking about broken thermostats, we’re talking about old ones.

Old thermostats, from analog to digital ones, just don’t have the capabilities that newer thermostats do. Even thermostats with Wi-Fi capacity, or programmable systems will go a long way towards improving many aspects of your home.

Instead of giving you a sales pitch on how wonderful these systems are, we’d like to discuss the topic of Wi-Fi thermostats in Cedar Rapids with a more realistic approach. We want to explain that you’ll get more out of your HVAC technology, your life, and you’ll feel a lot better when you have a thermostat that works hard for you.

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Get Rid of that Knob and Tube Wiring!

May 8th, 2023

When it comes to the structure and general format of our homes, electrification is quite recent. We know, it might be impossible to imagine the world without our handy devices and our television sets, but back in the day, there was no electricity to be used!

People used to light their homes with oil lamps, walls and windows were drafty, and life was just a lot different. The invention of the “board game” and sing-along songs was due to the fact that people didn’t have as many fun devices or the internet to help with enjoying spare time.

However, at the turn of the 20th century, homes in America became electrified in rapid succession. This old form of wiring, known as knob and tube wiring, was the only way to set up a home for electricity. Unfortunately, this type of wiring is now considered a hazard and should be removed from your home by a licensed electrician in Cedar Rapids, IA.

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The Pros and Cons of Flexible Pipes

May 8th, 2023

For many toilets, sinks, and other home plumbing appliances, it’s normal to see flexible lines leading into the appliance. They’re seriously great because they can mold any shape and fit through small spaces that other, less flexible pipes, would have trouble with.

But flexible lines are a lot more complicated than most people think. They’re a more recent invention than regular plumbing pipes, and just like every other invention, they have pros and cons. Flexible pipes might seem like a perfect solution for nearly every pipe in your home, but that’s not really true.

If you’re looking to evaluate your plumbing system, or if you’re deciding on who to trust for your next job, you can trust Dalton for plumbing service in Waterloo, IA. We’ve got you covered.

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What Do I Do About a Hot Upstairs?

May 1st, 2023

If there’s one universal law we deal with on a regular basis, it’s that heat rises. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, the heat you create or encounter in your life will always drift to the upper area of your home. It’s really that consistent.

However, homes are a little different. For one, we treat them to be cooler or warmer than the outside depending on our comfort preferences. Your air conditioner, for instance, is designed to cool all of the space in your home so that the air feels good, even the upstairs air.

So, if there’s an issue with a hot upstairs in your home, then you might have a problem with your air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA. Keep reading or call our team to schedule an appointment and figure out what’s going on.

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3 Essential Plumbing Upgrades

April 26th, 2023

It’s time to start living in the 21st century! Seriously, you’d be surprised at some of the amazing plumbing upgrades that people have access to nowadays.

Some of them, like water filtration systems in Cedar Falls, IA, are going to be easily installed and set up by a professional. Others, like a bidet or a high-efficiency toilet, are going to save you money but also change the way you live your life.

In truth, a plumbing upgrade can be for more than just convenience. It can help shift your lifestyle to one that’s more sustainable, enjoyable, and efficient.

Today, let’s look at three great plumbing upgrades for your home and we’ll examine how they work. For each and every one of these, it can be helpful to have a plumbing professional on hand for any repairs, installations, or even the regular maintenance of these systems. Our team is always here to help you when you need it!

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Start This Year Strong With a Dehumidifier

April 24th, 2023

Summertime is around the corner, and while we’re all paying close attention to our air conditioners (and hopefully scheduling maintenance), very few people have even considered their dehumidifiers. These systems are essential for a lot of different things, whether they’re playing a support role for your air conditioner, or helping to keep your basement dry and mold-free.

We’d like to dedicate some time this week to those handy dehumidifiers in Cedar Rapids, IA. These powerful guardians are the bane of moisture damage in your home and uncomfortable humidity. They’re so good, in fact, that many homeowners opt for a dehumidifier instead of an air conditioner when they’ve got small or basement property. They’re just that effective!

So, let’s figure out if you can use a dehumidifier, and discuss why these systems are so good at what they do. Just remember that you’ll need a professional on hand to install a whole-house dehumidifier!

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