Old Wiring Needs to Be Replaced

January 16th, 2023

Have you ever heard of the term “knob and tube wiring?” It’s a dreaded term that home inspectors avoid like the plague and it’s something that can be the difference between a solid home purchase and a money pit.

As technology advances so does our understanding of how electrical systems work. Electricity hasn’t always been around, but when human beings started figuring out how to wire their homes for electrical power, they did so in ways that we would not deem safe today. Knob and tube wiring is an old and outdated method for wiring a home and it’s one that we’d argue needs to be replaced no matter how old or aesthetically pleasing your home might be.

And for some of the reasons we’re about to mention, this kind of electrical work should only be done by a licensed electrician in Cedar Falls, IA.

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Poor Air Quality Can Be a Health Emergency

January 9th, 2023

We talk a lot on this website about the importance of proper temperature control and professional HVAC work like maintenance and repairs. One huge aspect of HVAC that we don’t talk about as much as we should is indoor air quality. The quality of your air matters just as much as the temperature, and it can have some huge implications for your home and health.

This blog post is going to highlight a few reasons why your air quality is important, and why certain members of your family, friends, and guests might have trouble being in your home for long periods of time if the air quality isn’t dealt with.

Our team has the resources to help you. With an air filtration system in Cedar Rapids, IA, you can siphon out all of the contaminating particles that might cause someone with asthma, COPD, or other illnesses to undergo severe respiratory distress.

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Why Work With Dalton?

January 6th, 2023

Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what one of our employees, Dan Huntley, has to say about his first year working at Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc.

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New Year, New Heating System

January 2nd, 2023

With the new year, it’s important to take a step back and look at how we got to where we are. There are many good reasons to choose a new heating system, whether you’re just unsatisfied with your current one or in desperate need of a new system to keep your home warm. Regardless, we understand why you might want a heating replacement in Cedar Rapids, IA, but getting rid of your old heating system can be a tough ordeal.

A lot of people decide to keep running their heating systems way past their expiration date because that sounds like the easiest way to save money. But that can lead to quite an amount of problems, from high heating bills to constant repairs that get in the way of your peace of mind.

Let’s talk about a few ways you can be a more proactive heating system owner by figuring out when the best time to invest in a replacement might be.

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A Big Change From Such a Small System

December 26th, 2022

Thermostats are a lot like our smartphones or laptops. They’re easily one of the smallest appliances in our home, but sometimes they’re so important to our day-to-day functions that you might not be able to imagine your life without them. This is just how life goes in the 21st century and it’s pretty common.

However, the amount of people who use old analog thermostats or even digital thermostats from the turn of the millennia is a little alarming. These devices, just like computers and phones made during the same age, just don’t have the capabilities of temperature control and efficiency measuring that newer thermostats have.

So, we think it’s time to talk about smart thermostats in Cedar Rapids, IA, and why your home could benefit from such a significant upgrade. Just make sure you call a team of qualified professionals to have this upgrade performed in your home.

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Dalton’s Guide to Mobile Home Heating

December 19th, 2022

It’s no secret that owning a mobile home is different in many ways from owning a multi-story house. In this crazy economy, they’re becoming more convenient as an option for homeowners who would like to own property, but can’t afford some of the very high prices for houses. They also tend to economize space very well, since you can have multiple bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, and a lot of space for a lower cost and without sifting through older houses that might not have those kinds of rooms.

Overall, if you’re happy with your manufactured home, then that’s what really matters. However, heating that home is what we’re going to talk about today. Mobile home heating in Cedar Rapids, IA is a specific topic that requires a bit of attention since it can be different from traditional home heating.

From choosing specific systems to some best practices that can help you stay energy efficient and happy this holiday season.

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Protect Your Plumbing This Holiday Season

December 19th, 2022

It’s that time of year when some of us might be hosting family members or a large group for a party or dinner. Isn’t that great? If only all of our plumbing systems would work exactly as they were designed to, then it might be the perfect season.

However, with more people using the appliances and fixtures in your home, comes more difficulties. When you’re dealing with a clogged drain in Janesville, IA, these things usually build up over the years. But it just so happens to be the moment when everyone is using these drains and plumbing appliances that they start to run into problems such as a clog or a leak.

Let’s head this off right from the start. If you’re nervous or stressed about whether or not your plumbing system will make it through this year’s holiday party, then we’ve got your back. Keep reading to learn about some strategies that can help you mitigate a potential disaster.

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New Heater Vs New Insulation

December 12th, 2022

Every time the cold temperatures roll around, the first thought in many homeowners’ heads is that they might need a new heating system. It’s true, if your heating system is in rough shape, is a decade old, or if it’s just not working the way that you want it to, then you are going to need a heating system replacement. However, the conversation shouldn’t start and stop there, it’s actually a lot more complicated.

Sometimes, your home needs a bit of extra help in other areas, not just with your heating system. A heating installation in Cedar Rapids, IA is certainly going to give you a boon in energy efficiency and comfort, but without proper insulation, it’s not going to do very much. Insulation is used to keep the heat inside of your home, and without it, your heat would quickly escape into the atmosphere around your home.

When do you purchase a new heater and when do you get new insulation? Keep reading to find out!

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“How Do I Know If I Need Water Treatment?”

December 5th, 2022

We have some good news, and some not-so-great news when it comes to the quality of the water you drink, bathe with, and use for various other tasks in your home. The good news is, if your water comes from a city main then it goes through heavy filtration before it reaches your faucets and taps. This means that you usually do not have to worry about harmful contaminants reaching your home.

The not-so-great news is two-fold. First off, that water has a long way to go from the municipal plant to your house—it can pick up stuff along the way such as minerals causing hard water, and other pollutants. Secondly, if you’re getting your water from a well, then the quality of your water is even more unpredictable.

Back to that good news though! You can tell what shape your home’s water is with professional water testing in Cedar Falls, from our experienced team. From there, we can make recommendations for you to improve the health and safety of your water. In the meantime, here are some signs to watch out for that indicate you need such a service.

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Don’t Let a Broken Furnace Give You Wintertime Blues

December 5th, 2022
cute dog under the warm grey blanket

Of all the appliance repair needs you may have in your home throughout the course of a year, few are more concerning than that of a broken down or malfunctioning furnace in the middle of winter. When you live where we do, a fully effective and efficient heater is essential. To accomplish this, it’s first important that you schedule routine maintenance, once a year, for your furnace. If you haven’t done so already, now’s the time to schedule this service!

Next, you’ll want to ensure that any Janesville, IA furnace repair needs that come up during maintenance are addressed right away. Otherwise, you could find yourself facing one of the two common furnace complaints calls we get—that the system either won’t start or that the furnace won’t stop running.

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