What Do I Do If My Pipe Bursts?

March 7th, 2022

If you’ve lived in the Cedar Rapids area for even just a year, then you might already know that burst pipes are a definite risk with our winters. When temperatures dip to below freezing, the threat level of burst pipes rises.

Fortunately, our team has seen a lot of burst pipe issues, and not only can we tell you what causes it and what to do about it, but how to prevent the problem from occurring at all, if possible. Read on to learn more!

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How Often Should I Have My HVAC System Tuned-Up?

February 28th, 2022

An HVAC “tune-up” or maintenance ensures that your heating and cooling systems perform as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible. During maintenance, our technicians thoroughly clean, inspect, and adjust any components that need it–making sure everything is working as flawlessly as possible.

This increases the lifespan of the system, helps it perform more efficiently, and reduces repair needs by up to 85%!

Just like any other big piece of electrical equipment, including your car, even your heating and cooling systems will suffer from natural wear and tear throughout the years. You might have a minor issue, like a worn-down motor bearing, that our techs can locate and fix during your tune-up… but if you had skipped that tune-up and that problem was missed, it could lead to the motor overheating and your system completely breaking down.

If you have a standard furnace or central air conditioning system, you should have your unit tuned up annually. For your cooling system, it’s best to get this done in the spring, and for your heating system, it’s best to do it in the fall. And if you have a year-round heat pump, you should have professional maintenance done twice a year.

Read on to learn the answers to some of our most common HVAC maintenance questions.

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Is an Electric Ignition Better Than a Pilot Light in a Gas Furnace?

February 28th, 2022

Have you had the same furnace in your home for many years? If so, then you’re probably used to furnaces having pilot lights. If you’re planning on having a new furnace installed soon, however, it probably isn’t going to use a pilot light at all! Instead, it’s likely going to have an electronic ignition system that ignites the burners. In fact, it’s pretty rare today that manufacturers still make furnaces with pilot lights at all.

Why? We explore this below… read on!

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Can I Do My Own Drain Cleaning?

February 21st, 2022

When it comes to making home improvements, there are many, many things that you can do on your own, or at least with minimal help from a handyman.

Perhaps you think that drain cleaning is one of those things. After all, you can just grab a bottle of chemical drain cleaning solution from the store and call it a day, right?

Well, not quite–and we’ll talk about that more below.

But the truth is, if you want to not only relieve your clogged drain but prevent your plumbing system from having the same problem again soon, then you want to have professional plumbing done. Read on as we uncover signs of a clogged drain, the common things that cause it, and why you shouldn’t use chemicals to unclog your drain.

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How to Ensure Your Furnace Lasts Through the Rest of Winter

February 14th, 2022

Winter is definitely still plugging along, and we will all need our furnaces for several weeks still. So, what kind of shape is yours in? Is it ready to get you through the rest of winter? If you had it professionally maintained this past fall, and took care of any pending repair needs at this time, then you can probably say with confidence that yes, your furnace is going to make it through just fine.

But what if you skipped maintenance, have an aging furnace, or simply don’t know the signs that you might need repairs on your furnace?

Well, that’s what we are here for! We want to help you ensure that your furnace will, indeed, last through the rest of the heating season. One of the best ways to do this is by staying on top of repair needs, even though you might stop using your furnace as much in a few weeks. Read on as we uncover the signs that it’s time for you to call for this service.

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What Are the Benefits of an Air Purifier?

February 14th, 2022

Did you know that your indoor air quality can actually be worse than the quality of the air outdoors? At least, this is the case if you don’t have the right indoor air quality products and services in place!

When folks hear “indoor air quality” they tend to think of their air conditioners and heaters–in other words, the temperature of their home. But air quality is about so much more than just temperature. It considers the humidity levels of the home, if there are contaminants present, and even how easily viruses can be transmitted.

The right mix of indoor air quality solutions, expertly installed by our team of professionals, will help ensure your home is as comfortable and as healthy as possible for the years to come. One such option is an air purifier, and there are many different types! The benefits of using an air purifier include cleaner, more breathable air, and reducing the risk of virus transmission.

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How Long Does a Furnace Last in Iowa?

February 7th, 2022

Everybody knows that it gets considerably colder in most of Iowa during the winter than it does in other parts of the country. Take Southern California, for instance, or central Arizona. They truly have no concept of what “cold” really is.

Therefore, furnaces must last a lot longer there, right? You probably have to replace yours a lot sooner than your Aunt in Phoenix has to upgrade hers. Well, it might please you to know, that this isn’t necessarily true.

When we talk about “how long a furnace lasts,” we are referring to its useful service life. A furnace might operate for decades, but whether it actually keeps you as warm as you expect, as affordably as you’d expect, is a whole different story. No matter where you live, routine professional maintenance will give a furnace about 10-15 years of useful service life.

Read on as we tell you more about furnaces, and when you’re ready for your next heating installation, please don’t hesitate to give our team a call!

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Signs You May Need Fireplace Repair

January 17th, 2022

Now is the time of year that homeowners all throughout Cedar Falls and beyond are starting to use their fireplaces on a more regular basis. This means that you want to make sure yours is in good shape! And while there might be a little rustic charm to an older fireplace, if your fireplace is literally falling apart due to old age combined with wear and tear, then something needs to be done about it.

Fortunately, to resolve this you don’t need to do much more than contact our team for quality and reliable fireplace repair! But, how do you know this service is even necessary? Read on to find out!

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Furnace Symptoms You Don’t Want to Ignore

January 17th, 2022

The last thing we want any of our customers to do is sit around worried that their heating system is going to break down at any given moment. However, unless that system has never had professional maintenance done, this is unlikely to happen. It’s also a great idea for homeowners to know the signs of a system that’s in disrepair.

What are those signs? We’re here to share them!

First off, we want to mention maintenance again–we really cannot understate the importance of this service. Whether it’s a gas-powered furnace or an electric heater, professional tune-ups are the single most important thing folks can do to keep their systems working as efficiently, and effectively, as possible, for as long as possible. Maintenance can also help prevent up to 85% of the repair needs a system may ever need in its lifespan!

This doesn’t mean that well-maintained heaters will never need repairs, of course–there is that other 15% after all. These repair needs usually crop up due to natural wear and tear, and in rare cases due to manufacturer defects. Read on to learn what the signs are of a furnace in disrepair!

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Busting a Common Heat Pump Myth

January 3rd, 2022

Heat pumps operate much like central air conditioners in that they have a refrigerant process that transfers heat. While other heaters generate heat, the refrigerant process makes a heat pump much more efficient as a heat source.

However, there is one myth that homeowners commonly believe that could be costing you more money than necessary if you believe it too. What is that myth?

That refrigerant needs to be refilled–what those of us in the industry call recharged–on a regular basis. This just isn’t true! Your heat pump is supplied with enough refrigerant during manufacturing to last its entire lifespan, and if your system is losing refrigerant, it means there is a leak. Read on to learn more about this problem!

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