“Does My Boiler Need Heating Maintenance?”

November 9th, 2020

gas-boiler-manometerThere are many things in life that are understandably debatable. Should you have pineapple on pizza? Is the second week of November too early to start listening to holiday music? Should you schedule maintenance for your boiler?

Before you shout out a resounding “NO!” for all three of these, we have to urge you to reconsider your response to the last inquiry. Boilers are very sturdy and have fewer moving parts than other types of heating systems, like furnaces or heat pumps. But that doesn’t mean you can necessarily get away with not diligently caring for your boiler system.

In our last blog post, we covered why it’s so important that you have furnace maintenance done and there are many checkpoints to consider with furnace systems. But any heating system needs to have annual inspections, boilers included. Read on to learn more!

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Follow This One Step to Prevent Furnace Repairs

October 26th, 2020

furnace-burnersTemperatures are starting to drop and homeowners are starting to think about their heating systems. How well is yours working? How much are you paying for its use each month? Do you have any repair needs to address?

We hope as well that you’ve considered the single most important step you should be taking toward furnace care this season—scheduling maintenance!

Your maintenance tune-ups are the best way to keep your heating operating as effectively and efficiently as possible for as long as possible while avoiding up to 85% of the repair needs it may ever need in its lifespan. Keep reading as we go over why it’s so vital to have this service done and how you’ll benefit.

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Do You Need to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel Before the Holiday Season?

October 12th, 2020

outdoor-string-lightsToday’s homes have increasingly more electrical demands than those of the past. With more devices, appliances, and smart home components coming onto the market, homeowners are finding themselves purchasing extension cords and power strips to accommodate. The problem is, this isn’t necessarily safe, nor is it very healthy for an electrical system, which can become overwhelmed.

An overwhelmed electrical system means an increased risk for electrical fires, damaging power surges, failed appliances, and even electrocution. This is something to think about, especially as we progress into this time of the year. What are we referring to? The holiday season, which is really just around the corner. The holidays will look different this year, but if lighting up your home with decorations is in your plan, then you may need an electrical panel upgrade! Read on to learn the signs that this is the case.

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Can Drain Clogs Be Prevented?

September 28th, 2020

sink-drain-with-water-running-downThink you don’t have to worry about drain clogs? Figure that when one happens you can just reach for a bottle of store-bought liquid drain cleaner? Think again!

Unfortunately, these harsh chemical “solutions” are anything but a solution for clogged drains. Sure, they may temporarily relieve a clog like a build-up of hair or soap scum. But in the long run, they’re going to do more damage to your pipes than they are good. This is because of the caustic ingredients they’re made up of.

When you do have a drain clog, the best thing you can do is call on our team for professional drain cleaning, which we will elaborate on below. In the meantime, read on to learn how to prevent drain clogs to begin with.

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Signs It’s Time for an Electrical Upgrade

September 14th, 2020

technicians-hands-working-on-electrical-panelOf all the things you think about when it comes to homeownership, the state of your electrical system is probably pretty low on the priority list. That is, until you have an issue with an appliance or outlet, or experience a blackout. The thing is though, you don’t want to wait until something goes wrong to actually address the issue. This can leave you in a worse position than preventing it to begin with.

And electrical problems can be prevented. It just takes you knowing the signs that your electrical panel needs an upgrade. With the addition of so many electrical devices, components, and chargeable devices, this is important information to have on hand. Read on as we uncover some of the problems that are clear indicators it’s time to pay attention to your electrical panel!

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Leaking?

August 31st, 2020

Before you panic, know that we’re here to help. While a leaking air conditioner definitely isn’t a good thing, it’s not entirely uncommon. AC systems start to leak for a variety of reasons, and we’d like to go over what exactly is happening when you encounter this type of problem.

Since we’re pros, we know a thing or two about AC services in Waterloo, IA. Leaking air conditioners can be repaired when repairs are called for, which is why it’s so important that we cover this topic. When homeowners can detect that their AC is leaking when it’s not supposed to, they can call us and we can get to the bottom of the problem.

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Have You Discovered The Benefits of Home Automation?

August 17th, 2020

animated-diagram-of-smart-home-componentsAre you utilizing a smart thermostat to control your HVAC systems? How “plugged-in” is your home entertainment system? How about your lighting or security systems?

We’re alluding to the benefits of an increasingly popular service here–home automation installation. if your home isn’t yet a “smart home” allow us to be the first to fill you in on the numerous advantages of making it one. While we might not yet see something like The Jetsons cartoon or a Disney movie, technology has taken significant strides in the last couple of decades to get us there.

Read on as we uncover the benefits of home automation and how you can make your home smarter.

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Home Efficiency Boosting Tips

August 3rd, 2020

woman-looking-comfortable-in-home-leaning-back-on-couch-with-eyes-closedSummer is chugging right along, and the hottest temperatures are still ahead of us. That means as much as we’re running our home cooling systems right now, we’ll be doing it even more in the coming weeks. of course, this also means hefty energy bills. Air conditioners aren’t cheap after all–actually your HVAC use typically accounts for half of all your home energy use!

This doesn’t mean it needs to break the bank, though. You can take some steps that will help improve the efficiency of your air conditioner and help you out a bit on the financial end.

First, we have to mention maintenance–scheduling routine annual maintenance (or biannual, if you have a heat pump) is key to ensuring efficient AC operation. In addition to staying on top of your cooling system tune-ups, you can:

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Signs That It’s Time for an Electrical Panel Upgrade

July 20th, 2020

technician-hands-working-on-wiresIs your home operating as safe as it should be? What we mean is, what kind of shape is your electrical system in? If your home is a few decades old and you’ve never had an electrical inspection, there’s a good chance you could be operating on an outdated panel. This is a problem for a number of reasons.

First off, an old electrical panel can cause power surges. When a powerful appliance such as your HVAC system cycles on, it can cause a surge through the panel, and this can damage other, smaller appliances and electrical equipment throughout your home–think, your refrigerator, microwave, toaster oven, etc.

Secondly, outdated electrical panels pose a fire hazard, which, of course, is a serious problem. But you can avoid this! By knowing the signs that you need an electrical panel upgrade, you’ll know when it’s time to call us, and we can get your home back on track. Read on to learn what these indicators are. 

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What Should You Avoid Putting Down Your Garbage Disposal?

July 6th, 2020

hands-washing-head-of-lettuce-over-drain-in-kitchen-sinkIf you’ve been using a garbage disposal in your kitchen sink, you likely can’t picture cooking and cleaning up without it, right? Whether it’s an unfinished meal, cooking scraps, or spoiling leftovers, it’s so convenient to just swoosh it down the drain instead of throwing it in the trash and risking a smelly kitchen until you or another member of your household get around to dumping the bag.

However, some homeowners are often over-dependent on these devices and that attitude can lead to unpleasant surprises, such as an urgent need for garbage disposal repair in Waterloo, IA.

Homeowners may sometimes find themselves getting frustrated by a garbage disposal that keeps getting jammed up or the fact that they’ve had to call a plumber more than once to get something out of the mechanisms. Read on as we uncover some of the problems garbage disposals and kitchen sink drains face due to what people put down them.

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