What Should You Consider When Having a Gas Fireplace Installed?

December 26th, 2016

Fireplaces are great for adding ambiance and warmth to your home, and with temperatures steadily cooling, you may be considering adding a gas fireplace to yours. Purchasing a fireplace certainly isn’t as easy as buying some other type of heater, and the installation of one is pretty complex. This is why you should only trust an experienced professional to do the job, such as someone on our staff.

You’ll likely have many questions, and we are here to answer them. We’ll help you determine what style of fireplace fits your home, whether it’s better to replace an existing wood burning fireplace or build a new one from scratch, what your heating efficiency requirements are, and more.

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What’s Causing Your Low Water Pressure?

December 19th, 2016

Throughout the course of your homeownership, there are a number of problems that you might encounter with your plumbing system. Burst pipes, backed up drains, and many other issues can be very inconvenient, not to mention costly. While low water pressure may not seem as urgent as some of these, it can actually be the sign of a bigger problem that does need immediate attention.

There are a number of potential reasons that you may be experiencing low water pressure. Keep reading to learn more.  

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Should You Invest in a Water Softener?

December 12th, 2016

There are a number of different plumbing problems you may have to deal with during the time of homeownership. One issue that is fairly common is the problem of hard water. Fortunately, hard water is not necessarily unhealthy, although it certainly lowers quality of life.

Hard water has a higher-than-average mineral content—minerals like calcium and magnesium—that your body can absorb safely. Your plumbing system however, not so much. A whole-house water softener eliminates the problems caused by hard water, but without knowing what these problems are you likely wonder if it’s really worth the investment. Keep reading to learn more about how these systems help your home.

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Is a New Water Heater In Store for You This Year?

December 5th, 2016

There are many components of your home that you likely don’t give a lot of thought to, until something goes wrong. This might include your HVAC system, your indoor plumbing, or, your water heater. If you take proper care of your water heater and schedule maintenance on a regular basis, then you likely won’t have to worry about running into too many problems with it. However, no water heater lasts forever, no matter how diligent you are about its care. Due to this, it’s important that you know the signs that it is time to replace your water heater.

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Are You in Need of Fireplace Repairs?

November 28th, 2016

With the weather turning cold and the holidays right around the corner, many homeowners throughout the area will begin using their fireplaces as a source of warmth as well as festive ambience. However, before lighting up your fireplace this season, consider whether or not it’s in good condition.

To make sure that your chimney and fireplace are as safe as they should be and in good working condition, be sure to call in a professional for fireplace installation, inspection, and repairs. Keep reading to learn some of the signs that you may need fireplace repairs before you start using yours on a more regular basis.

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Concerned about Efficiency? Check Your Thermostat Settings

November 21st, 2016

Let’s say that you’ve come home after a particularly chilly day, and the temperature inside your home offers no relief from the cold outside. Your natural reaction will very likely be to go to your thermostat and turned the temperature up to as warm as you can bear.

Unfortunately, this really doesn’t do much good. In fact, if the temperature of your home is—hypothetically speaking—currently set at 68, and you turn it up to 80, your heating system isn’t going to work any faster than had you set it 75.

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How Could a Whole-Home Humidifier or Dehumidifier Help You?

November 14th, 2016

We certainly get a full range of weather here in Janesville, IA and throughout the Midwest, and with a climate that changes so frequently and dramatically, problems can occur. For example, during the winter months, the air in your home may become too dry. This is especially true if you have a forced-air heating system. On the contrary, in the summer time, you might have a problem with too much moisture.

While these problems are different in origin, there is one common factor connecting them. At some point during the year, your indoor humidity levels will not be well balanced. Fortunately, there are a number of indoor air quality products that can help keep you more comfortable than just an HVAC system can do on its own. Two of these products are the whole-home humidifier and the whole-home dehumidifier.

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This Winter, Watch Out for These Common Boiler Problems

November 7th, 2016

Boilers have been a leading choice in home heating systems for a number of decades. This is because they are highly reliable and efficient so long as they are well maintained. They provide efficient and even heating throughout homes without air quality concerns that you may see with a furnace.

Additionally, since a boiler has few moving parts, it doesn’t age as quickly as other types of heating systems might. As a result, they usually last for many years with only a few repair needs throughout that time. However, it’s imperative that you keep in mind—just like any other heater, boilers are not invulnerable. You may encounter a boiler problem at some time or another. But what could these problems be?

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3 Signs it’s Time to Call a Plumber

October 31st, 2016

Your home’s plumbing system is one of the most important components it has. Without clean, working pipes, fixtures, and water heaters, modern conveniences just wouldn’t be possible. So if you find that your plumbing system is having issues, then you’ll want trust a highly trained professional plumber—like the members of our staff.

But what if it’s just a small problem you think you can resolve on your own? In some cases, a little backup can be relieved by a plunger, but this is about the only time you should attempt a plumbing repair on your own, as store-bought chemical drain cleaners can do more harm than good. Keep reading for 3 signs that it’s time to call one of our professional plumbers.

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Help! My Furnace Won’t Start Up

October 24th, 2016

Temperatures have begun to decline, signaling that the start of winter is a lot closer than it seems. Soon enough, you’ll be turning on your heater to keep your home comfortable, if you haven’t already. Hopefully if you have, you didn’t have any problems.

But what happens if you go to turn your furnace on and it doesn’t start up? What could be the cause of this trouble? Read on to learn why furnaces may fail to turn on.

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