Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘electrical service’

Electrical Fire Safety Tips for Homeowners

Monday, February 27th, 2023

Every home in the 21st century needs electricity. Even those tiny, off-the-grid homes, usually have some kind of generator that gives them the power to charge a phone or keep the lights on. Electricity is what makes our homes modern, they give us access to appliances and heating, automatic dishwashing and laundry, and much more.

However, an electrical system can be dangerous when it’s not installed or maintained properly. You’ve all seen these kinds of disasters in movies and television shows, where an exposed wire meets water or another exposed wire. There’s a reason why surge protectors and grounded outlets are so important, and we’re going to cover that topic today. It’s possible to keep your home safe from electrical fires and hazards, it just takes professional help. So, let’s discuss how an electrician in Marion, IA can help you with keeping your home safe.

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