Cold weather can hit hard. You need heat that works when you turn it on. If something goes wrong, don’t wait. Small problems lead to big issues fast. Reach out for heating repair in Des Moines before you lose heat completely. Our team is ready to help. We fix furnaces, boilers, and ductless systems. Our team always does things right the first time.
Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating Repair’
Dalton is Here for Your Home Heating Repair Needs
Monday, February 24th, 20255 Quiet Signs of a Disgruntled Furnace
Wednesday, October 25th, 2023Furnaces come in all shapes and sizes, which means that when they’re encountering problems, they display themselves with different symptoms. Sometimes, a furnace will make a booming noise, and other times it will click rapidly as it tries to start up. And sometimes, unfortunately, a furnace will make no noises at all and will work incorrectly until you detect something else.
What kinds of symptoms could be displayed that aren’t sounds? Well, that’s what this blog topic is going to cover. Heating systems are machines that work exactly as well as their parts require them to. Any slight change in how a furnace would ideally or efficiently work, is usually a sign that something is misaligned, broken, or not set up properly.
Our team can help you when encountering this kind of problem. Before you panic, make sure you schedule an appointment for heating repair in Cedar Rapids, IA with our team. Then, we’ll get into the details!
3 Noises Your Furnace Shouldn’t Make
Monday, October 23rd, 2023It’s the season for scary movies and falling leaves, which is the best season for a lot of people. While you’re cuddled up with the family watching some midnight horror movies, or if you’re baking a delicious pumpkin pie, you might want to be wary of some spooky noises that you notice on your own!
In all seriousness, furnaces are supposed to work behind the scenes. You might hear a click, and a gentle “whoosh” as air moves from the system to the vents in your rooms, but that’s basically it. Anything more than that and you might have a problem on your hands.
Of course, it’s impossible to completely diagnose a problem with a blog post. But we want to empower our customers to do a little detective work when finding out if they need heating repair in Waterloo, IA, or if the sound was just a one-time thing.
3 Tips for Better Heating
Monday, February 27th, 2023We’re almost at the end of winter, which means we’re trying our hardest to give our heating systems one final push before they can hibernate for the warmer months. This means that anything you can do to improve your heating is going to be a good idea. Go ahead and change the air filter, set your thermostat to a mild temperature, and ride out the rest of the winter in good shape.
But what if we told you there were some methods that could improve your heating next year and the year after that? These tips are not just for the immediate future, but they could heavily impact your heating in the next few years. Let’s focus on some great tips that homeowners might not be aware of so they can help avoid heating repair in Waterloo, IA unless it’s absolutely necessary. And in some cases, it will be!
Will Your Heater Make It Through the Rest of Winter?
Monday, February 15th, 2021Wintertime temps are still here for a while—in fact if you believe in Groundhog Day predictions, it’s here for about four more weeks, at least! This means your heating system has some time before you shut if off for the season. So if you have repair needs, you should definitely take care of them sooner rather than later.
We understand how tempting it is to put off end-of-season heating repair needs. After all, can’t you just wait until you need the system again next fall?
You could, but if it’s a problem also impacting your air conditioner, you’ll find yourself in trouble later this spring. And if it’s a big enough problem, you might have a completely broken down heater by the time you go to turn it on next fall.
But how do you know you even have heater repair needs? Read on as we uncover some of the most common warning signs, and if you discover any of them, give us a call.
Does My Heat Pump Have a Refrigerant Leak?
Monday, December 21st, 2020Heat pumps are a great HVAC option for many homes, for a number of reasons! The ability to efficiently heat and cool your living space if of course a great benefit, plus heat pumps save space and money. Something to remember though is that since a heat pump does double the work of a standard air conditioner or furnace, it needs double the care!
This means ensuring that you have maintenance scheduled for the unit twice a year—once in the fall and once in the spring before you need the system the most. This will ensure it operates as effectively and efficiently as possible, for as long as possible. It also ensures that we can check on all the different components of your system to make sure they’re operating as they should. This includes the refrigerant line!
Heat pumps are different from standard air conditioners, or from furnaces that don’t use refrigerant. They use refrigerant in their cooling process during the summer, but unlike standard AC systems, the process is reversed in the winter to provide you with heat. So, refrigerant is pretty important! But what if your system is losing some?
Take Care of Your Heating Repair Needs Before the Weather Warms
Monday, March 5th, 2018It may still officially be the season for snow, but spring will be here soon enough and we all know how quickly the temperatures can increase once that happens. Once things start warming up, you’ll be using your heater less and less. Therefore, if you have any Waterloo, IA heating repair needs you’ll probably be tempted to put them off until next year if they don’t seem that severe.
Unfortunately, one of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is neglecting their end-of-season heater needs. Ignoring your heater when work needs to be done can be harmful to the system itself, for one. Also, if you have a gas-powered heater then ignoring it can be a safety hazard.