Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘UV air purifier’

The Magic of a UV Air Purifier

Monday, January 27th, 2025

Air purifiers are something that many of our customers have heard about, but aren’t intimately familiar with. These systems can treat your indoor air in many ways–and one of those ways is by removing mold and mildew.

It’s not a special type of filter that traps contaminants though. A UV air purifier uses special ultraviolet light to irradiate the contaminants that would seek to infect you (like mold and viruses) and eliminate them. It’s basically the same treatment of UV light from the sun that can kill mold and other single-celled organisms.

Want to learn about how this process works and how important it might be? Then keep reading! Just make sure you call us to treat your indoor air quality in Cedar Rapids, IA.

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5 Best Types of People Who Enjoy Air Purifiers

Monday, February 12th, 2024

If it were a perfect world, we’d recommend everyone get an air purifier to enjoy the benefits. Despite this blog title, anyone can enjoy the unique and powerful benefits that come from an air purification system. But unfortunately, this isn’t a perfect world and everyone is going to make a different choice depending on their preferences and priorities.

So, here’s a helpful little guide to see if you’d be the type of person to enjoy a UV air purifier in Cedar Rapids, IA. These amazing systems can help treat the contaminants in your air using natural ultraviolet light that resembles the light of the sun. With this system installed in your air ducts, you can see a measurable improvement in your home’s air quality, breathability, and safety. For customers with allergies, compromised immune systems, or even strong noses, these are practically essential.

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Avoid Your Next Illness With an Air Purifier

Monday, December 18th, 2023

There are some pretty serious illnesses going around. Whether you’ve seen the reports on the news or you have some friends who have likely needed to cancel plans because of how sick they feel, it’s all around us. There’s just something about the cold winter air making being ill with a virus or bacterial infection that much worse.

Well, even if our immune systems are still a little bit shot from the pandemic a few years ago, there are plenty of things we can do right now to protect ourselves and our families from getting sick. A UV air purifier in Cedar Rapids is one of those amazing inventions that could see the health of you and your family improve drastically over time.

But how do they work? And can they protect you from everything that seeks to do you harm? These are interesting questions that we’ll answer below. The more you know about these systems, the more likely you’ll be to make a smart decision when it comes to the installation of one.

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3 Big Bonuses From Air Filtration

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

It’s allergy season! We don’t mean to sound excited about that, but in truth when you take the “allergies” out of springtime, it truly is one of the most beautiful and fun seasons of the year. The flowers are blooming and look brilliant, while the sun is starting to peek its head out later and later with every day. There’s just so much time for fun activities, and the weather is even getting better.

However, once you put the allergies back into the springtime, it can be a nightmare for some people. That’s why we’re the go-to indoor air quality service provider that can help eliminate things like allergens and biological contaminants in your home.

With the help of an air filter and a UV air purifier in Cedar Rapids, IA, you can take control of your home during this season and feel comfortable again.

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