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Staying Warm in an Emergency: 5 Tips

If winters weren’t as cold and brutal as they are in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, then we probably wouldn’t have much of a business. The truth is that our winters are unpredictable, snowy, rainy, and above all else–cold. So a heating system is practically a necessity if you’re going to make it through the winter season comfortably and with your sanity still in check.

However, as most of our readers are probably aware, things can rarely go as planned. The holiday season is rife with emergency heater problems, system shutdowns, and even safety concerns with gas leaks. Some days, you might need to shut your heating system down while you wait for a trained professional to inspect it and fix it. What can you do on those days?

Well, as your expert team for heating in Cedar Rapids, we have a few tips that can keep you warm and comfortable while waiting for your heat to come back on.

Five Emergency Tips

If you’ve already called for emergency repairs but you still need a way to keep you and your family warm and safe this holiday season, then here are some tips that should help. They’re not very good long-term solutions for heat at home, but they can do the trick in a pinch.

  • It’s soup season. There’s a good reason why winter is considered “soup season.” Not only can canned soup last year after year, but it’s an excellent meal when you’re trying to stay warm. Soup is nutritious for the body and it also has enough heat absorbed in the liquid to keep your body warm for hours. So, put that pot on the stove and get to work!
  • Wear warm layers and use body heat. Wool socks, sweatshirts, and long underwear are the name of the game around here. Stock up on warm layers when your home is losing heat, and you could snuggle up with the family for a movie to take advantage of your body heat as well!
  • Move around! Exercise gets your heart pumping, blood flowing, and warms your body up as well. Sometimes just a quick walk or jog (in warm clothes of course) can make you feel a lot warmer than you were before.
  • Space heaters are a great temporary fix. If your home is without heat, a space heater in a small room can be a great way to feel respite from the chilling cold. 
  • Humidity. The colder it is, the dryer your home might be. But if you’ve still got a humidifier that works, that could help with retaining the heat in your house. Did you know that humid air holds heat better than dry air? It’s true!

Remember: Nothing Can Replace Your Heater

These tips might get you feeling comfortable and warm, but they’re not long-term solutions. There’s only so much soup you can drink and exercise you can do before the cold can get tiring. Make sure you get your heater repaired by a team of experts in the meantime so your life can get back to normal.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! To set up an appointment in the Cedar Rapids area, give us a call at the number above, email or schedule an appointment online.

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