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Efficiency Ratings: The Science and Statistics Behind Them

SEER2 is a term that is being widely used throughout the industry. Every single air conditioner purchased has a SEER2 rating, and even heat pumps have an HSPF2 rating. But what does this mean? And if you’re a homeowner, is there any way you can know what these numbers signify?

Firstly, you can follow the most basic rules and be okay. The higher the SEER2 or HSPF2 rating, the more efficient the system is. But what if customers want to learn more about how these numbers get developed? What then?

If you’re keen on learning about an AC installation in Cedar Rapids and you want to know specifically what the SEER2 rating means, then keep reading. We’ll break it down in layman’s terms.

The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio

Also known as SEER, this was a method for determining how efficiently an air conditioner could run. This eventually was revamped by the federal government after the Inflation Reduction Act as SEER2, with higher levels that corresponded to better environmental outcomes. Now, SEER2 is the main way you can invest in an air conditioner that has high efficiency.

But how is the seasonal energy efficiency ratio calculated? Let’s break it down.

It basically takes two inputs and matches them over time. First, it calculates the amount of total heat removed from a specific space during the season and then divides it by the total electrical consumption throughout that same season. This might sound complicated but it’s basically cooling power divided by energy consumed over a period of time.

This gives us a clear number that tells us one important thing: how efficient the air conditioner is.

Opting for a Higher SEER2 Rating

When comparing air conditioners, the price of the system almost always comes first. This is understandable since a better deal weighs lighter on your wallet than a system that costs too much. However, it’s important to keep in mind that efficiency will determine how much money you’ll pay over the course of the system’s lifespan.

An air conditioner that’s a few hundred dollars less than one with a jump in SEER2 efficiency might sound like a better deal, but the one with the higher SEER2 rating will save you more after a few years than the model with the lower rating. Depending on how expensive electricity costs are, that difference could be very large.

HSPF2 Ratings

What about heat pumps? Heat pumps have a different rating known as the HSPF2 rating, or heating seasonal performance factor which denotes how efficient it is in the heating season when compared to the SEER2 rating during the cooling season. Just like the SEER2 rating, the higher the HSPF2 number, the more efficient it is.

Always opt for a system with as high a number as possible while still fitting into your budget. These kinds of units will run a lower energy bill every month which saves you money directly and makes you feel better about your purchase over time.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! To set up an appointment in the Cedar Rapids area, give us a call at the number above, email or schedule an appointment online. 

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