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Covert Vs. Overt Problems in Air Conditioners

There are many synonyms for these words, covert and overt. For overt, you can think of words like obvious, simple, and clear. And for covert, you probably assume this means something like hidden or indirect. This is true about air conditioner problems and how they can be split into categories like these.

The tricky thing with AC repair in Cedar Rapids, IA is that many customers think the overt problems they detect initially are all of the problems they’re dealing with. But in reality, that’s far from the case. Overt problems just constitute what you can easily see, smell, or hear. Covert problems can still have a huge impact on the condition of your air conditioner and your home comfort, but they can be hidden in plain sight.

So, let’s talk about a few examples of covert and overt AC problems, and how you can be more prepared for them.

Overt Issues With Your AC

What constitutes an overt AC problem? These are things that are obvious for you to detect, things that become pretty hard to miss in the long run. Here are a few you should be aware of–and yes, they require professional repairs!

  • A loud noise. If your air conditioner is making a loud or uncomfortable noise, like hissing and bubbling or rattling, then there’s something wrong with it and it needs to be repaired. This is one of the clearest and most obvious overt problems you can detect within your system.
  • A foul odor. Are you constantly picking up strange smells coming from the vents where your air conditioning is being deposited? This can be a sign of a clog in the condensate line which is allowing mold growth. Or, the system has overheated so much that components are burning up or melting down. Make sure you get this kind of issue addressed ASAP.
  • A breakdown. This is one of the other more obvious signs of an issue. If your air conditioner simply doesn’t work at all when you try to turn it on, then something is wrong! While this might not necessarily alert you right when the problem comes up, it’s still a clear reason to call for help.

Covert AC Issues

Here are the trickier, more subtle issues your AC can have. If some of these seem like they’re fine or not worth calling for repairs, we’d highly recommend you reconsider that. Even these issues signal a deeper problem that needs technical support.

  • Inefficiency. Inefficiency is categorized as covert because of how tricky it can be to figure out. Sure, electricity isn’t cheap these days but an air conditioner should be able to cool your home with moderate energy usage. If it costs too much money to run, or is trending upwards with how much electricity it’s using, then something might be wrong.
  • Poor comfort control. This could be a problem with your thermostat settings, but it also could signify a deeper issue with the components of your air conditioner or your thermostat’s calibration.
  • Dirty filters and air. If your air is constantly dusty, or you’re cleaning out the air filter one too many times each month, then your AC’s internal components might be dirty and in disrepair too. This could be a clue that you need a better air filtration system and an AC fix.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! To set up an appointment in the Cedar Rapids area, give us a call at the number above, email or schedule an appointment online. 

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