Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Cedar Rapids Blog’ Category

22 FOR 22 IN 22

Tuesday, November 1st, 2022

Did you know that on average, 22 veterans take their life each day due to mental health challenges?

That is why, as a Veteran-owned company, Dalton is saying THANK YOU this Veteran’s Day. Central and Eastern Iowa have the highest concentration of Veterans in the State, so we are giving back by donating $22,000 worth of improvements to 22 local Veteran Service Organizations in 2022.

Dalton will evaluate each of the 22 organization’s electrical, plumbing, and HVAC needs, then choose 3 winners to receive their needed upgrade.

Please join us in supporting those who fought for our freedom.

An additional incentive for VSOs – 22% of any work they choose to do with Dalton from Nov. 11th and December 31st will be donated directly to Iowa Veterans Mental Health- 11% in Daltons’ Name and 11% in the VSO’s name.

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Don’t Let These Ominous Furnace Noises Spook You!

Monday, October 31st, 2022

It may be Halloween today, but that doesn’t mean your home should do anything to frighten you! Unfortunately, furnace problems can be quite scary, especially as the weather starts to cool down and we move into the seasons where we need our heaters the most.

If you have a malfunctioning heating system, you could find yourself with mounting repair needs, higher than necessary heating costs, and potentially even a broken-down furnace system. We can’t stress enough why it’s so important to have professional maintenance done, since this enables our technicians to comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust the system.

It’s not too late to schedule maintenance, either! That is unless your system has already broken down completely and is beyond repair. Even with maintenance, however, it’s vital that you know what to look for when it comes to determining if your heating system is in disrepair. For instance, if your furnace makes any of the following noises, it’s time to call in a pro.

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It’s Time to Treat Your Water

Monday, October 24th, 2022

Nobody likes to think that their home’s water is impure. After all, not only do you use your water every day for cleaning and bathing, but you probably drink it as well. So, you want it to be as healthy as possible, both for the people who live in your home and for your plumbing system.

The truth is, while your water does go through heavy filtration and your municipal water plant, there are many miles for that water to travel until it reaches the taps and the appliances within your home. And therefore, it may need a little help getting as clean and pure as possible to meet your cleaning and drinking standards. Read on as we discuss two types of very important water treatment systems and give us a call when you’re ready for water treatment services!

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What Can Cause a Burst Pipe?

Monday, October 17th, 2022

Homeowners often have understandable questions about their plumbing, especially when they hear scary phrases like “burst pipes.” We have a bit of good news though. There is really only one thing that can cause a pipe to burst, and it’s completely preventable. What’s that?

Frozen pipes!

When the temperatures dip below freezing for too long, it can cause the water flowing through your pipes or resting in your pipes to freeze. As the ice thaws, it creates a negative pressure inside the pipes, and this leads to them bursting. We are here to provide quality repairs when this does happen, but as you read on, you’ll see tips we’ve provided to help you avoid this problem.

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Common Furnace Problems To Be Aware Of

Monday, October 10th, 2022

It may still be warm enough to use our air conditioners during the day, but the colder days are right around the corner, and soon enough you’ll be running your furnace pretty consistently. So, it’s important to ensure that yours is in great shape. The last thing you need in the middle of winter is a sudden furnace breakdown.

Of course, the best way to prevent furnace problems is with professional maintenance. Maintenance tune-ups allow our technicians to comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust components that need it, making sure that your furnace works as effectively and efficiently as possible, for as long as possible.

The other way to prevent furnace problems is to understand the following signs of small problems and give us a call for furnace repairs before those small problems turn into catastrophes.

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“Which Home Heating System Is Right for Me?”

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

One of the most commonly asked questions we get when it comes to installing a new heating system is “Which one is best for me?” There are so many options on the market today that it can seem pretty overwhelming to make choice, but we’re here to help! It first helps to choose what kind of heat you want.

What?! you might be wondering at this point… bear with us!

There are two main types of heating systems when you think about it… a forced-air system such as a furnace or heat pump, or a radiant heater such as a boiler or in-floor system. Each of these system types has its benefits, and finding the best one for your specific home and needs depends on a number of factors, which we can help you with. Read on to learn about the key differences!

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Dalton’s HVAC Guide for Winter

Monday, September 26th, 2022

If there is any one piece of advice we would give to homeowners in the Cedar Rapids area about prepping their HVAC system for winter, it’s this: schedule heating maintenance ASAP! Maintenance allows our professionals to comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust all the components in your HVAC system that need it. This ultimately helps your heater operate more safely. It also helps your heating system perform as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible.

Read on to learn more about the benefits of heating maintenance!

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“How Do I Save Money on My Heating Bill?”

Monday, September 19th, 2022
technician's hands working on heater

The best way to save money on your heating bill is with one important service–heating maintenance! If you’ve followed our blog for long, you know we talk about maintenance a lot, and it’s for good reason. Maintenance allows our technicians to comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it. This helps your system work as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible.

Ask about the Dalton Complete Home Comfort Membership Plan! We have multiple plan options; for plumbing, heating and cooling, electrical, and fireplace maintenance. We can help you ensure that your systems, including your heater, are in great shape. Also, members can count on a 100% comfort guarantee, discounts on parts and repair, and many more benefits. Contact us to learn more and enroll. In the meantime, read on to learn more about maintenance and how it helps you save money.

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Why Does My Water Heater Smell Like Eggs?

Monday, September 12th, 2022

When it comes to caring for the appliances and systems in your home, one of the most important ones to think about is your water heater. After all, this is a system you rely on each and every day, and you really don’t want it to fail on you out of the blue. Of course, problems are a lot less likely if you have your water heater regularly maintained each year by qualified and experienced plumbers, such as the professionals on the Dalton team.

That said, whether you’ve been keeping up on maintenance or not, it’s a good idea to know about some of the warning signs that you might have a problem with your water heater. One of these signs is the smell of rotten eggs coming from the system. This smell is the result of a gas called hydrogen sulfide, and it can be hazardous if not addressed right away. Therefore, it’s important that you give us a call if you notice the odor. In the meantime, read on to learn how hydrogen sulfide can make its way into your water heater, and how to get rid of it.

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How Has Inflation Impacted the HVAC Industry?

Monday, September 5th, 2022

“Inflation” is a word we’ve all become far too familiar with this past year. You probably know what it means–higher prices on things like gas, groceries, utilities, etc. Did you know, however, that it can also impact the cost of your HVAC equipment if you’re having a system installed or replaced soon?

When high inflation occurs, you might be wondering if you should hold off on replacing an older air conditioner, or if you should rush out and get one now. With no guarantee of when this inflation period will end, our advice is to consider an upgrade now–but don’t rush into it.

Rushing into a purchase of this scope can leave you with a system that is inefficient, ineffective, and/or just not properly matched for your home’s specific comfort needs. You should work with a qualified professional such as the folks on our team when you’re considering an upgrade.

And inflation or not, it’s good to know the signs that it is, in fact, time for an upgrade. This includes:

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