Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Cedar Rapids Blog’ Category

Is It Difficult to Install a Ductless Mini Split?

Monday, June 6th, 2022

When homeowners are looking to purchase a new air conditioner, they go into it knowing it’s a huge investment. Therefore, they may be tempted to cut corners and do an installation on their own to save money. However, the thing about big investments is that you really need an experienced professional on your side to make sure it operates as effectively and efficiently as it’s meant to. So, our answer to “Is it difficult to install a ductless mini-split” is going to be, “For you, maybe not… for one of our professionals, definitely not!”

Installing a ductless system on your own could leave you with a system that doesn’t operate as well as it could have otherwise or with broken air handlers later on down the line, which we’ll elaborate on below. Read on as we uncover what you need to know about ductless installation.

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3 Important Questions to Ask Your AC Technician

Monday, May 30th, 2022

Whether you’re having a new air conditioner installed or you need a repair for your existing cooling system, it’s never a “set it and forget it” kind of deal. In order to operate as effectively and efficiently as possible, your air conditioner needs to be properly maintained, throughout the years. This means that you need an experienced professional to inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it.

How often should this service be done? For a typical air conditioner, this service is needed once a year. It’s a biannual service, though, for year-round heat pump systems.

When you have an AC technician over, to install, repair, or maintain your system, it’s a perfect time to ask them some questions in order to gauge how to best care for your air conditioner to keep it operational for as long as possible. Read on as we uncover what some of these questions could be, and provide you with some brief answers for now.

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Which AC Unit Should I Buy?

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

Temperatures are starting to warm, and with that change in the weather, you may be wondering if your air conditioner is ready for another hot season ahead. Of course, if you’re making that decision now, it could be tempting to rush into a purchase before summertime hits in earnest. Rushing a decision like this, however, can be a mistake, leaving you with a potentially inefficient air conditioner and/or an improperly installed air conditioner.

We’re going to assume that you’re not rushing into this purchase, and this is why you’ve decided to read this blog post. With that, we’re happy to share some information that may help you make a careful, educated decision about your next air conditioner purchase. Read on!

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How Long Does a Heat Pump Last in Iowa?

Monday, May 16th, 2022

If you’ve been considering a new air conditioner lately, and you believe you might need a heating system too, then a heat pump installation may be just what your Vinton area home needs. Heat pump systems are versatile and energy-efficient, which we will get into more below.

One of the common questions get about heat pumps though, is how long should they last? Given that these are year-round systems, do they last less time than a traditional central air conditioner? Not necessarily!

When properly maintained–this means getting a professional tune-up every 6 months–your heat pump should have a useful service life of 10-15 years. Read on to learn more about these systems, and when you’re ready to schedule installation, go ahead and give our team a call!

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What Type of Water Heater Is Right for My Home?

Monday, May 9th, 2022

When you start exploring the different types of water heaters that are on the market, the options can seem overwhelming. There are heat pump water heaters, electric-powered or gas-powered water heaters, solar water heaters, and even tankless water heaters.

When considering what type to get, it’s easier to start with just two options in mind–a tank or tankless system. Storage tank model water heaters are what you’re most likely used to seeing in the average home, and may even be what you currently have. They come in different sizes based on capacity, and constantly store water which they heat up using elements inside the system. Tankless systems, however, are “on-demand” systems. We’ll explain what that means below. Read on to learn more!

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4 Common Causes for AC Repair

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

Summer is not quite here yet, but soon enough temperatures will warm, and you’ll want to ensure that your air conditioning system is in good shape. Of course, this means paying close attention to any indicators of a problem and calling in a professional right away to service your system.

But, what if you are not familiar with the kinds of issues that an air conditioner might face? Well, you’re in luck. We’ve listed 4 of the most common AC repair issues; read on and learn about the issues your air conditioner could face–and schedule a tune-up with us so we can inspect and clean your system to help you avoid unexpected repair needs!

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Making the Choice Between Central Air Conditioning and Going Ductless

Monday, April 25th, 2022

As temperatures start warming up, air conditioning talk is happening more and more. If you are in the market for a new cooling system, now is a great time to make that investment. It’s never wise to rush into a purchase of this nature, since doing so could leave you with an inefficient or improperly matched AC system for your home.

There are many factors to consider when replacing an old air conditioner. Do you also need to replace your furnace or boiler? Are you looking for ways to increase efficiency throughout the year rather than just in the summertime? Then a ductless system may be a great choice. If your heating needs aren’t urgent though, and you’ve always had a central air conditioner, you might want to stay the route.

Read on to learn the benefits of each and to get our viewpoint on which type of AC is best!

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5 Mobile Home Cooling Hacks

Monday, April 18th, 2022

When you have a mobile home, you may think your only option to cool off is a few box fans strategically placed around the property–especially if you live in an HOA that doesn’t allow the installation of a central AC outdoor unit. The good news is, this isn’t the case! There are cooling options out there for you, you just need to know who to talk to!

For you, it’s the team here at Dalton. We provide professional and reliable mobile home cooling services in Cedar Rapids and beyond. The installation of one of these systems will increase your home comfort, improve your indoor air quality, and, if you’re currently relying on fans or a window AC unit, can even lower your utility bills.

We’ll talk about this and more below, as we discuss some ideas of how to stay cool this summer in your mobile home.

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“When Should I Replace My AC Unit?”

Monday, April 11th, 2022

This is one of the most common questions we receive as HVAC professionals–when is it time to replace your AC unit? You may think that as long as it’s running and blowing out some cold air then it’s still good for a while. Maybe you’ll wait until it simply can’t function anymore.

But, this is not a great plan. The thing is, an AC system that is nearing the end of its life won’t work efficiently, and may not even be operating as safely as it could be. Read on to learn more!

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What’s Included in a Maintenance Club?

Monday, April 4th, 2022

For many homeowners, maintenance may seem like “just an extra service to pay for,” until you join a membership club like ours. Professional maintenance pays you back over the years, by improving efficiency, reducing repair needs, and extending the lifespan of your home comfort systems overall. And joining a membership club will provide you with even more benefits (especially if you join ours!)

The Dalton Complete Home Comfort Membership Plan is just one monthly fee and covers all your home’s systems; HVAC, plumbing, electrical, fireplace, and indoor air quality. Plus membership affords you a number of advantages. Read on to learn more!

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