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3 Smart Moves for Your Home HVAC System

With record-breaking heatwaves and other unusual weather events, it can be hard to focus on anything else. Sometimes just turning on the weather report can cause us to do things that otherwise we wouldn’t do. It’s a pain, but it’s a necessary part of being a responsible homeowner.

However, an important aspect of the HVAC industry is prevention. More specifically, we’re experts at providing homeowners with solutions that can help them mitigate weather in the future, not just weather events right now.

For example, we know it’s going to get cold this winter, and winter is only a few months away. While your AC does need support now, you’re going to want to focus on other aspects of your HVAC in Cedar Rapids, IA. Then, when the record-breaking cold temperatures hit, you’ll be more than ready for them.

1. Look at All Aspects of Comfort

Your home comfort isn’t just related to your heating or air conditioning system. For instance, there’s the whole V part of HVAC, which stands for ventilation!

If your air ducts are in rough shape, then you might need to address them more than your air conditioner this summer. Similarly, if your home isn’t well insulated (there are cracks in windows, open doors, and very thin external walls), then your heating or air conditioning systems aren’t going to keep your home as comfortable as you’d like it to be.

Creativity will help you look in places that other homeowners might forget about, and this could lead you to discover an area that needs improvement.

2. Look a Season Ahead

Even though it’s hot now, it’s going to cool off eventually. Seasons have a way of starting and ending like that, and while this might sound like a joke, it can be difficult to change your focus from the current season to the next.

It’s always smart to look a season ahead when evaluating important financial decisions for your home comfort. For instance, if you’re in the middle of summer, it’s important to think about the fall and what kind of work will be needed then. Once fall rolls around, you’ll want to think about winter, and that’s pretty much how the cycle works!

3. Take Your Efficiency to the Next Level

Energy and heating bills come every month, there’s just no escaping them. Sometimes, it doesn’t matter the numbers that are listed, all many homeowners care about is just paying them off so they’re in the clear. However, there’s a smarter way to deal with this situation.

Your energy and heating bills are a snapshot of your home’s efficiency. The more energy efficient your HVAC system is and the more insulated your home is, the less you’ll be paying on a month-to-month basis.

So, why not try paying close attention and even tracking your bills? You’ll start to see some seasonal trends and you might even detect when your heating system or AC is on its way out!

This isn’t for everyone, but it can be a vital strategy for certain math-proficient customers to make smart choices.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! To set up an appointment in the Cedar Rapids area, give us a call at the number above, email or schedule an appointment online. 

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