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It Might Be Time to Go Geothermal

We rarely talk about geothermal heating and cooling systems on this blog, primarily because they’re niche systems that only certain customers are interested in. But we’re quickly finding out that the more people learn about these amazing new HVAC units, the more interested people are.

So, we’d like to take today to inform the general public on what geothermal heating and cooling systems are and how you can benefit from a geothermal installation in Cedar Rapids, IA. We’ll mainly talk about how energy efficient these systems are, and how exactly they can bring an abundant amount of heat into your home during the wintertime by only making a small dent in your electricity bill.

If you’ve ever been interested in geothermal technology, or you think your home is ready to take the leap to a newer and more eco-friendly method for heating or cooling your home, then keep reading!

How Geothermal Works

Let’s start with some basics. Deep beneath your home, beyond several feet, lies an abundance of thermal energy. Without the direct effect of weather patterns, the air temperature underground is the relative same all year round. We estimate that it’s usually between 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit, and even if it dips above or below that, this is much different than the temperature outside during the winter or summer.

A geothermal system uses this abundance of ambient thermal energy to create comfortable temperatures inside your home. It’s not like a regular air-sourced heat pump that must pull in heat from the sub-freezing outdoor temperatures. A geothermal system uses much less energy because it has clear access to a wealth of heat energy from beneath your home, which it can access at any time. From the coldest day of the winter to the hottest day of the summer, you can always count on a geothermal system to keep your home comfortable.

Long Term Savings

A geothermal system’s main downside is that it’s more expensive to install than other systems. Even air-sourced heat pumps or conventional heating equipment is a good amount cheaper to set up than a geothermal system, but the cost is worth it!

Geothermal heating and cooling will save you tons on your energy bill over the length of the system’s lifespan. And, to make things even more enticing, the underground equipment that’s installed in your home is long-lasting since it’s not exposed to the elements. You might need to replace the heat pump portion of your system in 10-15 years, but the underground pipes will likely last upwards of 50 years!

Take Advantage of the Inflation Reduction Act!

This is also the perfect time to invest in a geothermal heating and cooling system. The HOMES program (Home Energy Performance-Based Whole House Rebates is the official title) is designed to give homeowners rebates for improvements that seek to make their homes more energy efficient. This could lead to savings of up to $8,000 for low to middle-income households and up to $4,000 for high-income households depending on the work that’s done.

There are even more programs to take advantage of. Just schedule an initial appointment with one of our professionals today and ask about ways you can save.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! To set up an appointment in the Cedar Rapids area, give us a call at the number above, email or schedule an appointment online. 

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