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What Can You Do With No Heat?

So the cold temperatures are finally coming along and your heater has broken down. It’s a busy season so no matter which HVAC professional you call, they’re all giving you dates that are a few days in the future before they can get your heating system working properly. So, what do you do?

This is an unfortunate situation for a lot of homeowners this season, and no matter what we say on our blog, schedules can always get hectic and out of control. We want to first start by apologizing if this is your situation. It’s frustrating and no family deserves to be without heat, no matter who they are or where they live.

But the most important thing is that you and your family follow along our step by step guide to ensure that you don’t get hurt or live your lives uncomfortably while you wait for a trusted technician to help you with HVAC in Cedar Rapids, IA.

Make Sure Things Are Ready for Your Tech

It’s important to ensure that your home’s HVAC system, basement, and even the rest of your house is ready for a technician to provide help. Even if it’s just a quick repair, or a full system replacement, the appointment is going to take less time if things are clean and the way is clear for your technician.

Here’s a tip: try to clear out around 2 feet of space around your heating system and make sure the path to the heater is walkable and easy to traverse. This will allow for maximum heating ventilation and it will speed up the time it takes for your technician to complete the job.

Bundle Up

Things might start to get cold with your heater in disrepair. It’s okay, don’t panic!

This might be the perfect time to bundle up with heavy sweatshirts, long underwear, and even those ugly long-sleeved shirts you were thinking of donating. The more layers you wear and skin you cover up, the easier it will be to retain heat in your body and you’ll feel more comfortable.

We know, it’s not ideal. But it will keep you warm and cozy until your heater is back up and running again.

Eat and Drink Warm Things

It’s starting to become soup season! Put together a recipe of butternut squash soup, or try your hand at a hearty tomato soup. These will keep you feeling warm and cozy, even on a cold day.

Hot drinks like coffee, tea, and even warm water will help your body retain heat as well. This should tie you over until your heater is working.

Spend the Day at the Pool or Sauna

Hey, maybe it’s finally time to take a spa day. Head to your local sauna or swimming pool and just lounge in the hot tub. That’s sometimes enough to bring people back from the brink of frustration, to feeling content and in control.

Take Some Time Off

If things just get too cold to deal with, you can always take some time off and schedule a vacation. Take a quick trip somewhere warm where you can enjoy the sun, as long as you coordinate how the fix will take place with your local professional.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! To set up an appointment in the Cedar Rapids area, give us a call at the number above, email or schedule an appointment online. 

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