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Yes, Your Furnace Needs a Safety Inspection

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of this blog, we need to be clear that gas furnaces are safe. We would never, under any circumstances, install a system that was unsafe in your home, so you can rest assured that this is the case.

Sometimes a furnace can become unsafe through years of wear and tear, neglect, and sheer bad luck. And one of the best ways to deter this problem is with professional furnace maintenance in Cedar Rapids, IA.

Maintenance isn’t just a tune-up. It’s a safety inspection and it’s going to be the difference between a winter when you’re constantly nervous about the gas and fumes that are inside of your system, and one where you sleep soundly every night. We want to talk today about the benefits of a heating system safety inspection, and why you’ll always want to trust a licensed professional to get this done for you.

Checking the Heating Elements

Your furnace is made up of several different components, each of which is responsible for a different part of the heating process. Your heat exchanger is going to keep the contaminated air full of fumes and soot away from the breathable air of your house. This component needs to be airtight and if it’s cracked at all, it’s going to need to be either replaced or fixed. A professional technician checks this during their maintenance visit.

Other components are checked as well, like the flame sensor, to make sure that it’s accurately detecting a burning flame in your furnace. Otherwise, the system could accidentally leak gas and it wouldn’t notice.

Basically, a safety inspection allows a professional to check all of the sensitive parts of your heating system to ensure that nothing is even close to endangering you and your family.

The Port Exhaust, the Detectors, and More!

Don’t forget the outside of your furnace! There are still more components that need to be checked, even if they’re not directly inside of the system itself.

During the coldest parts of the winter, your port exhaust might get covered with snow or ice which can impede the ventilation of dangerous fumes. This is another thing that is checked during a safety inspection.

We’ll also look at your detectors and make sure they have power, either from your home’s electrical system or the batteries inside of them, so they’re working vigilantly to keep you safe.

It’s Worth Every Penny

The health and safety of your family are priceless. For some families, a furnace maintenance appointment is going to break the budget, and we understand that. But the rewards far outweigh the risks, and if you have the available budget for one, we highly recommend it.

Not only will you get savings in terms of better furnace efficiency and reduced repairs, but you will also get the peace of mind you deserve with a system that’s safe and secure. We even clean the components to make it easier for maintenance next year and for the foreseeable future.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! To set up an appointment in the Cedar Rapids area, give us a call at the number above, email or schedule an appointment online. 

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