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Does Your Boiler Need to be Replaced?

Technician beginning to replace a water boiler.

Your boiler never stops working. It’s day in, day out, with no paid sick time or holiday leave. That’s a lot of constant stress on an integral part of your home. So how do you know when you have to replace it with an upgraded unit?

The goal is to know when it needs to be replaced before your hot water runs out, or your boiler completely breaks down on you. Let’s find out if you need boiler service in Cedar Rapids, IA for a replacement right now.

Are Your Bills Increasing?

You’re suddenly spending more money, but you know you haven’t touched the thermostat in weeks or months. Your boiler is less efficient than it used to be. This just happens from wear and tear with old age.

That boiler isn’t heating as optimally as it used to. Look at how old your boiler is and the maintenance history to know if it really has to be switched out.

Is it Just Old?

Boilers have different lifespans depending on which brand you get, and how much you put your boiler through the wringer. On average, you can expect at least a decade of use or up to 15 years. They can last longer with proper maintenance.

If you weren’t there when your current boiler was installed and have no records of maintenance throughout the years, it’s always best to assume there was a lapse in coverage. The kind of people who get annual maintenance are typically the same type of people to keep records of it.

Are Your Repair Estimates Really High?

The rule of thumb for boiler repairs is simple: if the repair estimate is 50% or more than the price of a new boiler, just go with a new boiler. This major repair won’t buy you another decade of use on your efficiency deficit boiler. You’ll still have to replace it sooner rather than later.

Eventually, enough working components of a boiler will fail or come close to failing, and at that point, it’s just time to upgrade your boiler. You’ll enjoy better energy efficiency, lower bills, and smaller average repair bills for the five 5 to 10 years of your new boiler’s life expectancy.

Is it Only Kind of Good at Heating Water?

The telltale sign of a failing boiler is that it just doesn’t heat water as well as it used to. It could be the heating element or a drainage issue, but proper maintenance will be able to account for that. If you run out of hot water extremely quickly, or your boiler isn’t heating water the way it’s supposed to, it could be time for a replacement.

It’s Time For an Upgrade

Your boiler has served you well, but we’ll serve you better. You need a boiler upgrade as soon as possible. You’ll not only improve your energy efficiency, but you’ll be able to choose a unit that matches your home’s needs and capabilities to fit your lifestyle and comfort.

Contact Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. today to schedule a boiler replacement and set up future boiler maintenance to stay on top of your home’s heating systems.

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